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Perinatal Community Mental Health Services in Suffolk

  • The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk is a specialist service for women with a history, or high risk, of moderate to severe mental health issues, who are planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant.

  • Service Manager Lead: Kevin Moran
  • Service Contact: Telephone 01284 719 704
  • Address:
    Wedgwood House,  West Suffolk Hospital,  Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QZ
  • Service hours: This service is available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 17:00.

The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk provides support to women and their partners with pre-conception advice and, where required, work with women during pregnancy and until their baby is 12 months old.  

The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk cares for women with a history of severe or moderate mental health illness such as:  

  • Anxiety

  • Bipolar affective disorder

  • Depression

  • Post-natal depression

  • Post-partum psychosis

  • Psychotic illness

  • Schizophrenia.

Or where there is a high risk of the woman becoming unwell during the perinatal period. 

Women accepted by this service will be contacted for an initial assessment 14 to 28 days following a referral being made. 

The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk is for women who are planning to become pregnant in the future and who have a history of moderate to severe mental health issues.  

The service also accepts new referrals for women who are pregnant or whose baby is under 6 months old. 

Referrals can be made through the Emotional Wellbeing Hub (for people up to 25 years old) or Access and Admissions Team (for people over 25 years). Women may also be referred to the service by their mental health practitioner if they are already receiving support from other mental health services. 

The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk provides the following clinics for service users: 

  • Antenatal clinic on a Thursday morning at Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich, IP4 5PD, 

  • Specialist obstetric and perinatal clinic on a Monday afternoon at West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QZ. 

Parking is available at both of the above locations, charges apply. 

This service also provides pre-conception clinics for women who are planning to become pregnant. These clinics are held at various locations in Suffolk. 

The Community Perinatal Service in Suffolk works with the whole family and can support or signpost carers to other services as necessary. 

If you are a service user and are in crisis and need support urgently you can contact the service during office hours by telephoning 01284 719 700. 

Call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line.

If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives. 

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police. 

For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111.  

For more information, see Help in a Crisis.

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