Find out more about our Governor elections

​If you would like to stand as a Governor, we hope the following information​ is useful:

Elections to the Council of Governors take place every year for those governors who have come to the end of the​ir term, or w​ho have stopped being a governor during the previous year. Governors are usually elected for three-year terms, starting on 1 February. They can be re-elected twice, serving up to nine years.

Our Constitution contains the rules for elections and the circumstances under which a person cann​ot stand as a Governor. These elections take place under the Department of Health's model rules for elections.

Members can only stand as a Governor for the constituency of which they are a member (that is, staff members can only be Staff Governors). 

CES sends ballot papers to all members in the constituencies where seats are being contested, to vote on who should represent them. 

For the election regulations and information about the Trust, please contact

The Council represents the interests of our Foundation Trust members and partner organisations. They feed back information to the members who elected or appointed them. 

Governors must act in the best interest of the Trust and in accordance with the seven principles of public life – the Nolan Principles: 

  • selflessness
  • integrity 
  • objectivity 
  • accountability 
  • openness
  • honesty 
  • leadership

The Council meets six times a year in public and Governors should attend these meetings. There are also subgroups of the Council.

​If you would like to stand as a Governor, we hope the following information​ is useful:

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