
Care Quality Commission Report February 2023

The CQC recognised the trust’s considerable progress and awarded NSFT with an improved overall rating of ‘requires improvement’. CQC inspectors noted that the trust has moved at pace since April last year and that significant improvements could be seen at all levels of the trust. Sixty per cent of individual services rated are now ‘good’ and the trust no longer has a legal warning notice relating to concerns about the quality and safety of its care. The report also describes that feedback from patients and service users was largely positive.

Read the trust’s response to the report.

To view the full report from 24 February 2023 visit the CQC website.

You can also view  CQC FAQs - February 2023 [docx] 901KB

Independent report into mortality recording and reporting

March 2024 — Updates on our work on how we collect, analyse and report mortality data can be found here

January 2024 - An update can be viewed here: Update on actions being taken in response to the review of mortality

In June 2023, an independent review was published into how data relating to deaths is processed and reported at NSFT. The review was commissioned by NHS Norfolk and Waveney, and NHS Suffolk and North East Essex integrated care boards at NSFT’s request.

We welcomed the report and have accepted its recommendations in full. A range of improvements identified by the audit team are already underway, including ensuring we have standardised reporting across NSFT for mortality, developing data sharing agreements with our partners so that all organisations in our care systems can better understand and learn from deaths, and upgrading the technology and systems our clinicians need to automatically update service user records with information from outside the Trust, for example the information shared by their GP.

We have also published an overview of our mortality data for the past five years alongside an explanatory statement.

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