Become Involved

Participating in research is really important to help your future care and can have many benefits for you.

As well as taking part in studies there are other ways of getting involved in research. Would you be interested in helping with the designing and development of studies? Sharing your voice, views and attitudes can help make interventions that work better, for more people. Opportunities for co-production will be posted on this page or email: for further information. 

Sometimes answering 2 or 3 questions in one of our speedy surveys can just help us to guage interest and understanding quickly - so we would really appreciate your help with these. 

If you want to take part in a research study then please have a look here

Surveys to Help with Future Research

Participants Required - short anonymous survey

Make sure to write NSFT as your NHS Trust!

Participants required. Age 18 or older with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Psychosis? Please complete the survey at HTTPS://WWW.QUALTRICS.MANCHESTER.AC.UK/JFE/FORM/SV_ORNOPRFHG3GTCJA



Grandparent/parent/grandchildren survey

Here at NSFT research we are interested in relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren, and whether working on this relationship could improve the mental health and wellbeing of them both. It is just the beginning of an idea for a study and we want to start by getting your input on what the study might entail. Please watch this short film to find out more from those involved: 

The questionnaire will ask about your experience of this topic and whether you think it would be something worth researching. The questionnaire should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Here is the link to the questionnaire:

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