
We’re Smokefree

The Department of Health decided mental health inpatient services and sites must be Smokefree from 2018. 

So, we introduced a Smokefree initiative across the Trust. This is to protect everyone from the harmful effects of tobacco and second-hand smoke. 

Being Smokefree means staff and service users have support to lead healthy lives.

How we can support service users to quit smoking

Smoking tobacco products is not allowed on any Trust premises, including:

  • hospital buildings
  • grounds
  • car parks

Giving up smoking is a personal choice. But it is the most important thing you can do for your health and those around you. We will respect your decision and support you to give up if you choose to. 

If you are expecting to be admitted to a ward, you can contact your local stop smoking service (see below) or your GP and ask for Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to take into hospital. 

You can also ask to see an NSFT Smoking Cessation Practitioner. They can help you to manage without nicotine while in hospital or support you to give up for good. 

If you want to stop smoking for good, you may be offered a prescribed medicine called Varenicline (Champix®). This works by reducing your craving for a cigarette.

Local stop smoking services

Stop smoking services are free. They provide advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good:

  • OneLi​fe Suffolk: 01473 718193
  • SmokeFree Norfolk: 0800 0854113

Products available to support service users

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is available. This helps people stop smoking while in hospital.

Service users who do not wish to stop smoking may use an electronic cigarette (E-cigarette / vaping device).

Cigarettes, tobacco, tobacco-related products, lighters and matches are not allowed on Trust premises. You may use electronic cigarettes / vaping devices on Trust grounds.

Community visits

If a member of staff visits you at home, you can help keep our staff Smokefree by:

• Making a room available that is Smokefree or ventilating the room for at least one​ hour before the visit. For example, please open a window or door

• Not smoking during the visit

• Asking other people in the house not to smoke during the visit

• If you are unable to do any of the above, please discuss this with a member of staff. We may be able to make alternative arrangements.

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