Become a Member

Your mental health trust needs your voice. Are you passionate about the people of Norfolk and Suffolk receiving the best possible care from their mental health trust? Then we need you to join our Membership. Click here to join.

How Membership works

All NHS Foundation Trusts have members, who come from different constituencies.

Diagram showing different types of members. Shows that members can be staff, service users, members of the general public or carers. This graphic shows that members can have ideas which can be shared with governors who will take to the Council of Governoers.

As a member you can:

  • Become a voice of your community, telling us about their needs and expectations
  • Vote for governors
  • Stand to be a governor
  • Attend exclusive events including the Annual Members Meeting and events focussed on particular services or projects underway at the Trust to improve patient care and experience
  • Stay up-to-date with the Trust’s news by receiving regular email updates
  • Join participation opportunities to help improve services
  • Access health service discounts from Health Service Discounts: NHS Discounts, Offers & Codes

Read Membership Strategy 2024-25 [pdf] 1MB here.

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