Declaration of interests

National guidance, ensures that we use NHS money wisely. We must provide best value for taxpayers and accountability to patients for our decisions.

A Declaration of Interests is in place for the Board of Directors and Council of Governors. New members must complete a full induction process which includes their declaration. They must declare any changes to the Trust Secretary immediately and at the next Board meeting. 

We review this every year. Also, at the start of each meeting, members must declare any interests that may affect the papers they will be considering.

Non-Executive Directors' independence is considered each year in line with regulator guidance. This is to confirm that there are no issues that may affect, or could appear to affect, their judgment. This is considered at the Board meeting in public and included within the annual report.

Members of the Council of Governors complete the declaration process when elected and then annually.

The declarations for both Board and Council are published after each meeting in public. Other decision makers are published on the website and refreshed annually.

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