Development opportunities

Two staff seated on wall surrounded by greenery

Developing your career - supporting you to be your best

Education and development is a strategic priority of our Trust and our educational faculty ensures that our continuing professional development (CPD) spend meets the goals of the Trust.

We are committed to supporting lifelong learning for all our staff. We believe that learning and develop assists with good clinical outcomes and enhances the service user experience.

Our aim is to offer learning opportunities for all staff, regardless of their band, profession or job role. We actively encourage service user, family/carer involvement in our training and are commited to using co-production to develop our training programmes.

Developing you

We offer a wide range of learning opportunities to all staff, including:

  • Corporate induction
  • Mandatory and statutory training
  • Clinical development programmes
  • Therapeutic and clinical skills
  • Leadership and management training
  • Recovery College courses

Practice Education Team

Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) has a dedicated team of Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) working across the organisation to provide clinical education support within each locality. 

The main role of the PEF Team is to ensure the provision of high-quality learning environments for all pre-registration learners within NSFT, as well as supporting post registration to support the transition to confident, professionally registered colleagues.

As a team we support Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors and Practice Educators to facilitate high quality clinical learning environments in line with NMC, HCPC and Social Work England standards and expectations, working closely with several Higher Education Institution (HEI) partners.

We are proud to offer our learners varied opportunities throughout placement, including spoke days, learning sessions with subject matter experts and opportunities for facilitated reflection. 


Preceptorship is a period to guide, develop and support all newly registered practitioners to build confidence and competence as they transition from student to autonomous professional.

NHS England 

At NSFT the Practice Education Team are proud to offer a year-long supportive Preceptorship Programme, comprising:

  • Allocation of a Preceptor to act as a professional role model and provide support and guidance throughout the Preceptorship period
  • Allocation of a Practice Education Facilitator to act in an additional supportive role
  • Facilitated learning sessions hosted by the Practice Education Team, featuring subject matter experts
  • Facilitated reflection sessions

Talent for Care Team

Our work spans education and organisational development and is derived from the Talent for Care (TFC) strategy (Health Education England, 2014), fittinginto the four themes, “Get ready, Get into, Get on, Go further!” 

We support staff to access apprenticeships and co-ordinate the development programmes including preceptorship for newly-qualified assistant practitioners and our medication management programme for assistant practitioners and allied health professionals. We are very proud to have a range of apprenticeships available to develop staff to be the best they can be at their job and help them realise career aspirations into professions or managerial roles.

We help staff access national programmes such as traineeships, T-levels, work experience. We work with the local Department for Work and Pensions and job centres to provide work placement programmes, supporting local people to find jobs, enabling them to gain the skills they need to get jobs and providing targeted help for young people to get into work.

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