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  1. Atlas Offender Personality Disorder Pathway Service, Probation

    The Atlas service offers direct clinical support to a small number of cases held by the National Probation Service in Norfolk and Suffolk, who are assessed as having a high level of clinical need, based on problematic personality characteristics and emotional dysregulation. The service also supports probation case managers.


    Paston Centre,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Rd,  Norwich NR6 5BE, Norwich, NR6 5BE

  2. CORE Offender Personality Disorder Pathway Service, Probation

    The CORE service primarily offers case formulation and clinical advice to probation staff for cases held by the National Probation Service in Norfolk and Suffolk. In a very small number of cases, direct assessment of individuals with high levels of need may occur.


    Paston Centre,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Rd,  Norwich NR6 5BE, Norwich, NR6 5BE

  3. Enhanced Support Service, HMP Wayland in Norfolk

    Enhanced Support Service (ESS) is part of NSFT’s portfolio of national Offender Personality Disorder Pathway services offered at HMP Wayland. The service encompasses nursing and psychological approaches. It offers short-term outreach and support to individuals who are experiencing emotional dysregulation and associated behavioural problems linked to personality.


    Violence Reduction Team,  HMP Wayland,  Griston, Thetford, IP25 6RL

  4. Integrated Mental Health and Justice Pathway

    The Integrated Mental Health and Justice Pathway offers a range of services across Norfolk and Suffolk at all stages of the Criminal Justice System. The Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has a Liaison and Diversion Service providing interventions for people through police custody and court.


    Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Rd, Norwich, NR6 5BE

  5. Liaison and Diversion Service (L&D)

    Liaison and Diversion services assess people suspected of a crime before any sentence. They help people to find support from a treatment or support service to improve health and criminal justice outcomes. 


    Paston Centre,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BE

  6. Men's Low Secure Services (Norfolk) (Blakeney Ward)

    Blakeney Ward is a 16-bed ward for offending males or males at risk of offending who have a mental illness and who need a low secure setting. It is for men over the age of 18. Blakeney Ward is in Northside House.


    Blakeney Ward,  Northside House,  Northside,  Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HT

  7. Men's Low Secure Services (Suffolk) (Foxhall House)

    Foxhall House is a 16-bedded unit for offending men or men at risk of offending, over the age of 18, who have a mental illness and who require a low secure setting.


    Foxhall House,  C/o Ribbans Park (formerly St Clements Hospital),  Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP3 8LS

  8. Men's Secure Service (Catton Ward)

    Catton Ward is a medium-secure ward providing admission/assessment and rehabilitation. We admit male individuals who are suffering from a mental illness who require a period of assessment. The service admits from a number of sources including prisons and other Medium Secure Units.


    Catton Ward,  Northside House,  Northside,  Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HT

  9. Men's Secure Service (Drayton Ward)

    Drayton Ward is a medium-secure ward providing admission, assessment and rehabilitation. We admit men who are suffering from a mental illness who require a period of assessment and treatment. We admit from a number of sources including prisons and other Medium Secure Units.


    Drayton Ward,  Northside House,  Northside,  Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HT

  10. Mental Wellbeing Support Team (HMP Norwich)

    The Mental Wellbeing Support Team offers Wellbeing (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies - IAPT) and Mental Health services. This is provided by one multi-disciplinary team at HMP Norwich.


    The Paston Centre,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BD

  11. Prison Wellbeing (IAPT) Service

    The Prison Wellbeing (IAPT) Service is an NHS service situated in prisons which offers primary mental health support for mild to moderate common mental health difficulties. We provide guided self-help via individual appointments, group workshops and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.


    The Paston Centre,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road

    , Norwich, NR6 5BD

  12. Psychology in Probation

    The aim of the Psychology in Probation service is to support the individual and their probation officer to gain a shared understanding of the person. They can then begin to help the person plan for their future.


    Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BE

  13. Secure Services Forensic Community Teams

    The Secure Services Forensic Community Teams provide recovery-focused community care. This is for offenders who have been, or are being, discharged from a secure unit.


    Cedar House,  17 Ribbans Park Road,  Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP3 8XL

  14. Wensum Psychologically Informed Planned Environment (PIPE) (HMP Wayland)

    Personality disorder pathway post-treatment service for offenders. PIPEs are not a treatment. They are designed to support transition and personal development at significant stages of an offender's pathway.  It is a national service with a focus on the East of England and Midlands regions.


    Wensum Service,  E-Wing,  HMP Wayland,  Griston, Thetford, IP25 6RL

  15. Whitlingham Ward

    Whitlingham Ward supports women over 18 within a secure setting. People will receive specialist assessment, treatment and intensive rehabilitation in a safe environment.


    Whitlingham Ward,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BE

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