Council of Governors

Our Governors represent the views of Trust Members and local people. They host important public engagement events. They hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board.

Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds and communities and share an interest in mental wellbeing. They help the Trust to develop and thrive for the benefit of the people who use our services.

The Council of Governors comprises:

  • the Trust Chair
  • 23 Governors elected by Trust Members across its six constituencies
  • eight Governors appointed by partner organisations

Elections to the Council take place every year. Governors usually serve a three-year term which starts on 1 February. This is the date we became a Foundation Trust. Elected governors can only be re-elected twice and stand for up to nine years.

Only Members of the Trust can stand for election: Find out about membership

The Council​ holds meetings in public every two months. It holds special events throughout the year. For details, see our events calendar

To find out more about our Governors, please click the sections below.


Zoë Billingham CBE, Trust Chair

Zoe BillinghamI joined the Trust as Chair in January 2022. I spent much of my career inspecting public services to promote improvement. Most recently, I was Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services. I was responsible for a third of police forces in England and Wales and a quarter of fire services. This included those in Norfolk and Suffolk. I shone a light on all aspects of policing and created the new national fire inspectorate.

I am a lawyer by background and have worked in Whitehall and local government. I bring a wealth of experience in supporting public sector organisations to improve. My work on domestic abuse and violence against women and girls has challenged the police and their partners to do better. It is leading to a national sea-change in approach. I have long advocated for better care and access to services for people with mental ill health.

Born in Norfolk and now living in Suffolk, I am committed to making a difference in our communities. Family experience of mental health issues has shown me how life changing access to excellent services can be. It’s a privilege to be Chair of the Trust and I will strive with the Board to help further our improvement journey. Service users will come first and will be at the heart of all we do, shaping our services for the better.  

(Picture courtesy of Geoff Pugh Photography Limited)

Carer Governor - Suffolk


Carer Governor - Norfolk


Youth Governors

Co-opted Youth Governor, Norfolk — Joseph Barrett

Co-opted Youth Governor, Suffolk — To be confirmed

Partner Governors

Police - Hannah Lodge

University of East Anglia - Kiki Mastroyannopoulou

University of Suffolk - Heather Rugg

Suffolk County Council - ​James Reeder

Norfolk County Council - Michael Chenery

East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust - to be confirmed

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