Green Light Toolkit

The Green Light Toolkit is from the National Development Team for Inclusion.

It is an audit to check how well mental health services support people with a learning disability and / or autism. The audit then helps to improve those services.

People with learning disabilities and people with autism are more likely to have mental health needs than other people. They have the right to access the same mental health services as everyone else. NHS trusts have a legal duty to put reasonable adjustments in place to ensure they meet their needs.

Reasonable adjustments

The toolkit has 27 standards to make sure that reasonable adjustments are in place. The aim is to provide fair services that meet people's needs. These include assessments, accessible information, personal care, physical health and equalities.

Green Light Leads and Champions

Each Care Group has a Green Light Lead who handles the implementation of the Green Light Toolkit.

​Each team within the Trust has a member of staff who is a Green Light Champion. The Champion has a special interest in helping people with a learning disability and / or autism.

Our strategy for learning disability and autism

The standards form the basis of our strategy for learning disability and autism. We launched Green Light for Mental Health Services 2017-2021 in December 2017.

It sets out our intentions to improve access and equality for people with learning disability and / or autism over the next five years.

Green Light Champions, service users, parents, carers and partner organisations helped to write the plan.

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