Family Therapy courses

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is offering part-time courses in family therapy, designed for developing professionals.

These courses are accredited by the Association of Family Therapy (AFT) and are commissioned by NSFT.

Foundation course: Systemic ideas in family therapy

AFT Accredited

This course involves one year's part-time study and builds upon a participant's knowledge, theory and practice from their chosen professional background.

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Intermediate course: Embedding the evidence into practice

AFT Accredited

NSFT is offering graduates who have already completed foundation level training courses in systemic family therapy the opportunity to undertake a further year's study on an intermediate course in family therapy.

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Multi-agency approaches to systemic supervision

This course is suitable for senior professionals and managers responsible for supervising staff teams working with vulnerable children and families. 

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Andrew Middlecoat - Lead Psychotherapist

Systemic Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor andTrainer

Andy completed an MSC in Family & Systemic Psychotherapist at the Institute of Family Therapy in London, August ’98. He later went on to undertake both a two year advanced training in systemic supervision and a clinical doctorate in Systemic Psychotherapy. His research thesis focused on exploring the effects of fostering on the existing biological relationships within families, and in conjunction with this he went on to head up the Looked After Children’s Services (NHS) in Great Yarmouth between 2007- 2011. Andy was appointed Lead Psychotherapist for the Children, Families & Young Person’s Services in September in 2011 and since this time has overseen the development of twelve Systemic Family Therapy Training Teams across Norfolk and Suffolk.

Andy’s psychotherapy and supervisory practice is predominantly systemic in nature drawing on a range of family therapy models including Milan, Structural and Strategic, which he integrates with post-modern social constructionist ideas including narrative and brief solution focused therapy.

His theories of change also include concepts from psycho-analytic and psycho-dynamic psychotherapy, which in terms of the work he undertakes in relation to Looked After Children are applied contextually taking into account other issues including child development, neuro-development and attachment history. Andy also enjoys working systemically at a strategic and organisational level and has a keen interest in service development, training and clinical supervision. Until April 2016 Andy was involved with setting up the Compass Outreach Service as part of the DfE innovations project and has also written & accredited both Introductory and Intermediate Courses in Family & Systemic Psychotherapy.

Andy has worked as an honorary lecturer at University of East Anglia (UEA) since 2000, were he has taught at both the Medical College and School of Nursing, as well as being a supervisor and lecturer on the doctorate program in clinical psychology.

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