Completing the Friends and Family Test

You can complete the Friends and Family Test online by clicking here.

Another way we are collecting your feedback is through SMS messaging. We will send out text messages weekly to people who have recently used our services with a link to the FFT online form. 

The text will go to service users who are 16 or over, have supplied a valid mobile phone number, and had an appointment recorded by us within the previous week by a team with a FFT code aligned to it. Services users can opt out of receiving the text messages. 

You may prefer to fill out a card which you can get from your treatment team to complete and return to us.

Why we ask for your feedback

Your feedback is essential to help us see how effective our service is and give us information to plan for the future. 

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important opportunity for you to provide feedback to our Trust.  

This information helps us see what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements. 

You are encouraged to provide your feedback as soon as possible, so your experience of our care is still fresh in your mind. This helps us to ensure that the feedback we collect is accurate and in 'real time'. 

Friends and Family Test: About

The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether the people who use their services are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It is a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving care or treatment across the NHS.

Since its launch in 2013, more than 25 million pieces of patient feedback have been submitted. The FFT has been rolled out across most NHS services, including community care, hospitals, mental health services, maternity services, GP and dental practices, emergency care, patient transport and more.

More information about the FFT is available on NHS Choices.

More information about mental services provided by Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is available on:

Wellbeing Services in Norfolk and Suffolk:

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