
The safety of our service users, carers and staff is very important to us. We promote and support the protection of vulnerable children and adults.

The Team is available to provide additional safeguarding expertise advice and support where safeguarding concerns are complex, and where there is a need for further guidance and support to consider appropriate safeguarding referrals and responses.

The Team also provides Level 3 Safeguarding Training for those who manage operational work as well as those who work directly with service users. This is provided in a variety of formats to ensure best practice is current in terms of NSFT policy and governmental regulation.


If you have concerns about the safeguarding of an adult speak to their care coordinator in the first instance

Or you can speak to the adult safeguarding team for your county:

In Suffolk, there is also a consultation line for advice without making a referral:

Suffolk Consultation Line: call 0345 606 1499


If you have concerns about a child being mistreated in any way you should contact:

Domestic abuse

If you have concerns about domestic abuse, contact:

Sexual abuse

If you have concerns about sexual abuse, contact:

Norfolk/Suffolk Police call: 101

Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC):

Suffolk The Ferns call: 0300 123 5058

Norfolk The Harbour Centre call: 01603 276381

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