Student Voice

The Student Voice provides us with an opportunity for us to hear the voice of those who are accessing our courses and utilising their experiences to improve the overall Recovery College service.

All students have the ability to be part of the Student Voice. You can opt to be part of this at enrolment or during your Recovery College journey. Feedback is given electronically as this allows us to hear the voices of a larger group and ensures we are inclusive of everyone's views. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it involve?

Being a part of the Student Voice offers the opportunity for you to give feedback on different aspects of the Recovery College. This can be done electronically through emails or by attending meetings online on specific topics. 

Am I eligible to attend?

The group is open to registered Recovery College students who have opted into the Student Voice.

All members of the Student Voice will have the opportunity to respond to electronic correspondence to give feedback. Online meetings will be limited to 20 participants. Booking for this will be made on a first come, first served basis. The period of membership is up to one year, after one year the opportunity to attend the online Student Voice meetings will be offered to other students to contribute and share feedback.

What opportunities are there within this?

You could be involved to share feedback on the enrolment process, Recovery College website, social media, courses/workshops, individual learning plans and feedback on promotion. There may also be the option to participate in live panels for courses being developed, subject to your specific experience.

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