Spiritual and pastoral care available for you

What our chaplains do

    Chaplains Celia and Julie outside

Our Trust Chaplains Julie and Celia are here to provide a listening ear, emotional support and spiritual support to patients, relatives and friends, and hospital staff.

They can provide support during a crisis as well as during ongoing recovery. They will often support bereaved family members and staff. You don’t have to be a practising believer to use this service.

Our Chaplains listen to people and support them where they are without judgement offering: 

  • A confidential listening ear  

  • Prayer & reflection 

  • Bereavement support 

  • Religious and non-religious resources e.g., Qur’an, bible, rosary beads, wooden crosses &hearts 

  • Religious services e.g., meditation, Holy Communion, blessings

Whilst Julie is a Leader in her Church, she is available to support those of all faiths and those who hold no faiths.

Julie is also an equality lead with a special expertise in the protected characteristic of faith and belief. 

How to contact our Chaplains

Julie and Celia are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.  

They offer a Chaplaincy Helpline Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, to access this helpline telephone 01603421421 and ask for Chaplaincy. 

You can also email Julie and Celia at spiritualcareteam@nsft.nhs.uk  

Julie is also Chair for Spirituality, Faith and Belief Staff network. If you are a member of staff you will find more information about the network on the staff intranet.

Where you’ll meet our Chaplains

Our chaplains visit patients on our wards or in other areas where our services are provided on request and staff can also contact our chaplains through emails or phone them.

Julie and Celia also organise, on request, religious and non-religious ceremonies and celebrations for the whole mental health community. 

Multi-Faith Chapels and Prayer Rooms

We have a range of small multi-faith rooms across the Trust on many of our sites. These are quiet spaces, which can be used for reflection or prayer. Please ask staff for directions. We are also happy to accompany you there. Chapels are also available for use in the following places: 

  • Carlton Court and Dragonfly Units, Lowestoft  
  • Hammerton Court and The Julian Site, Norwich  
  • Hellesdon Hospital, Norwich  
  • Ipswich Hospital  
  • Kingfisher House Mother and Baby Unit, Hellesdon 
  • Northgate Acute Hospital, Great Yarmouth  
  • Northside House, Norwich 
  • West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmund’s 

Qualified support

Our Chaplains are professional religious ministers, trained in pastoral care. They also have specialist training for working in a healthcare setting. They have a degree or equivalent, plus a professional qualification.

The meaning of 'spiritual care'

Spiritual care is simply caring for a person's 'spirit', their sense of self and inner wellbeing. Our chaplains believe all people have a spirituality; a sort of inner climate, which is sometimes in need of support.

The spiritual care offered by our Chaplains is provided in the context of illness and recovery. It is person-centered, and makes no assumptions about personal conviction or life orientation. Our chaplains aim is to listen to people and support them where they are.

We aim to address the spiritual, pastoral and religious needs of those who contact us; these may include one or more of the following:

  • Finding meaning in what has happened,
  • Discovering new purposes in life,
  • The healing of painful memories,
  • Regret and forgiveness,
  • Supporting religious beliefs, rituals and practices,
  • Non-religious beliefs,
  • Reflecting on past life experience,
  • Issues of mortality.

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