Joining forces to help NSFT staff to ‘Listen’


What is LISTEN?

LISTEN is a guide to help further improve care available to people reaching crisis point.

How it started

LISTEN was originally developed in 2013 by service users and staff in East Suffolk to highlight the importance of listening to service users and carers and fully involving them in their care to improve mental healthcare for people reaching crisis point.

People with first-hand experience of our services worked alongside clinical staff to develop posters and credit-card sized reminders, which have been reissued to help mental health staff and organisations working with someone in a high state of distress.

What does LISTEN mean?

  • Listen and validate concerns. Look at crisis/care plan and general options.
  • Involve and Inform the service user and carer of the immediate options available
  • Shared understanding achieved and Safety issues established
  • Time. Be clear about your availability and be aware of your Tone of voice
  • Empathise and Encourage responsibility then Evaluate what has been agreed
  • Next steps made clear. Never end the contact without a plan

Download:  Listen poster [pdf] 547KB

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