Young People’s Participation

Working to improve mental health services for young people under 25 years old in Norfolk and Suffolk

Participation means getting involved and having a say about how we support children and young people who use our services and giving you the chance to have input into how the Trust is run.

It’s about making services better for everyone.

We know that by valuing everyone’s individual experiences to make changes to the way we deliver care, the outcomes for people are better. Anyone and everyone can be involved in participation, including you!

Participation can come in many forms, from young people panels joining interviews, joining a group, being involved in projects, and redesigning services.

Meet our Young People’s Participation Team

Sophie Davies  Sophie Davies selfie


People Participation Lead for Suffolk Children, Families and Young People’s Services

Hi, my name is Sophie and I have been working as a People Participation Lead since September 2020. Before this I was working as a co-ordinator and tutor for the Recovery College and completing my masters in Psychology. I came into this role as I had previously used services for my own mental health with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and wanted to use these experiences to try and support others. This role has given me the opportunity to work alongside young people and create a safe, supportive and inclusive space to share their thoughts, experiences and ideas which has led to some great and positive changes to the service. When I’m not at work I love going to gigs and playing the drums.

Andrea Bland Andrea Bland hugging a tree


People Participation Co-ordinator for Norfolk and Waveney Children, Families and Young People’s Services

Hi, I’m Andrea. I became a People Participation Co-ordinator in August 2022 and chose the role as I have supported my son from a young age through his mental health journey and have experience of living with my own mental health challenges. My favourite part of the job is empowering people to recognise their ideas are valuable and sharing them can help others. I wish I’d have been involved more when my son was younger so I’m also passionate about parents and carers voices being heard. In my spare time I like going for long walks.

Donna Wilson

People Participation Champion

Hi, my name is Donna and I have been in my role as a People Participation Champion since July 2023. I previously studied social work and have been employed in the substance misuse arena.

My passion, however, is supporting and empowering young people with the various challenges they are faced with in today's world.

I am a single mother and have experienced my own mental health difficulties over the past 20 years, including being bereaved by suicide on three occasions.

Our mental health permeates every aspect of our lives, and I am committed to ensuring that the service on offer meets the needs of the young people accessing it and their parents and carers. I cherish this role and the opportunity to work with young people, ensuring their ideas and feedback have a voice.

Outside of work I enjoy listening to music, dancing, and socialising. 

Grace Hill

People Participation Champion

Grace Hill

Hi, my name is Grace and I am a People Participation Champion working in the Children, Families and Young Peoples’ service. I work with a very kind and special team to make sure that the voices of service users are heard across the whole system around care.

I got into participation and this role because I have lived experience around mental health and disability. I consider myself incredibly lucky in that even though I still struggle I have a very tight support network around me, both at home and at work, who know me incredibly well and will often know what I need without me having to ask.

However, I am aware that not everyone has that… some people might not be able to communicate as well or as safely as me, might not have as clear an understanding of their needs, or might just feel nervous about asking for help.

My favourite part of the role is going into professional meetings and getting to be a voice for those people, and on the bad days I remind myself that I wouldn’t be able to do that without the experiences I have had so far. Outside of work I love spending time with my family and friends, I am super creative and love listening to Kiss FM.

But not forgetting, I love my job too… it has given me so much more confidence and taught me a lot about the system that also looks after me, so it seems a bit less scary when I need help myself.

Join Particip8! A group looking to improve services for young people

Would you like to be involved in improving our mental health services for yourself and others? Your voice deserves to be heard!

Particip8! are a group of people with a personal interest in mental health for young people and a passion for improving mental health services.

Whether you’d prefer to be part of a group, have one-to-one sessions, or share your ideas and experience by email, Whatsapp or phone, we would love for you to join us.

You can be involved as little or as much as you would like and with the things that are important to you.

  • Using lived experience, we have led on projects such as:
  • The language of letters and ensuring these are young person and carer friendly
  • Interviewing staff
  • Sharing our experience of crisis services
  • Art projects
  • Development of educational courses and many more.

To find out more, email You can also text or call 07342 066589 or use Whatsapp.

Experiences of Particip8!

Grace from Particip8! has shared her experience of participation and Particip8! in particular. You can read Grace's Particip8 Participation Story[pdf] 77KB

Particip8! podcasts

Our Particip8! group have made a range of podcasts for the Mental Health and You Podcast. Below are some links directly to episodes available on Spotify and other platforms: 

Stories and experiences

Liv's story - A young person's experience



“My participation journey began while I was in therapy. Making YouTube videos was helping with my recovery, and I showed one to my therapist. She asked if I would like to use my creativity to help with participation and put me in touch with Lucy. Lucy and I had a video call, I was anxious, but she was so open with me about her recovery and put me at ease.

Lucy and I spoke a few more times and then I felt confident enough to join the Young People’s Participation Group. I remember three of us went along regularly, I didn’t turn my camera on at first but after a while I felt like I could. At the group I felt like my voice was heard for the first time since being under services. It made me feel validated and gave me a sense of purpose. I had a job so couldn’t attend every time; it was fine to go along when I could. The groups were fun to go to – at Christmas we had a quiz, and all wore Christmas jumpers!

I was offered the chance to get involved in other projects and going to the group had given me the confidence to do this. The first thing I did was attend staff Leadership Training online and speak about my experience of using services. Lucy helped me to prepare for this and although it was scary, I felt empowered, like I was doing something meaningful, and my voice was being heard.

After this, I took part in lots of other participation opportunities including attending a Participation Committee Meeting where I presented a video I’d made about my mental health recovery journey to professionals. This gave me valuable skills, I later used when applying for my current job. The biggest thing I did was take part in a video about communication which was very professional and exciting – it was like being a movie star!!

Participation has helped me gain confidence, build my self-esteem, learn new IT skills, become more confident about public speaking (which I never thought I could do) and helped me overcome my anxiety. It also made it easier to transition over to adult services.

I’m still involved with participation, it’s a part of my job with the Trust and I help to deliver Participation Training to new starters. During training I tell my story and share what other participants have said. I wish participation was something I could’ve got involved in when I had my initial assessment - I would’ve been able to help make changes sooner and get better quicker!”

Debbie's story - A parent/carer's experience

Debbie’s Story

I first became involved with NSFT Children, Families and Young People’s Services when my daughter needed support with her mental health. As a parent, I didn’t feel as involved as I could have been and would’ve liked some things done differently.At the time, there wasn’t a participation team to contact. If there had of been, I would have wanted more information so I could get involved and have my voice heard.

Several years later, when I was accessing services, my mental health worker told me about an opportunity to participate by sitting on NSFT interview panels; this allows people using services to help choose future staff members. I liked this idea and was keen to pursue it further. My support worker passed my details on, and the participation team got in touch with me. I was a bit worried, but I needn’t have been, as I was given training by NSFT staff who put me at ease and made it easy to understand.  Afterwards, I was excited to get going! I still look forward to sitting on interview panels as it makes me feel valued.

Through this work, I found out about other participation opportunities, in particular working with Children, Families and Young People’s People Participation Coordinator, Andrea. I met Andrea at a participation event. She took my details and emailed me to arrange a first meeting. In a very short space of time, we met in a community setting where I felt at ease.  Over the course of a few meetings, Andrea made me feel comfortable and settled and I was able to give my thoughts and views. The lived experience element of her role really helped as she seemed to understand my experiences. Since meeting up, I’ve given feedback for lots of projects including wording of letters, website development ideas and have even chosen the colour of a reception area! We meet regularly, in a location of my choice for roughly an hour. Andrea is always flexible on dates, times, and meeting spaces. She also checks I feel comfortable each time.

I’ve been participating for several years now and in that time, I’ve been able to see the benefits of participation as both a parent/carer and using services myself. These include:

  • Feeling I haven’t failed as a parent – I’ve passed my knowledge and experience on
  • My self-esteem has raised - as a family we’ve come out the other side
  • Knowing I can help and play a part in change
  • I feel heard
  • I’ve seen things change for the better

If you’re thinking about getting involved with participation, I’d say to go ahead and make contact, you really won’t regret it!

Young People's Participation Newsletter

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