Winter wellbeing

Winter can present increased pressures and difficulties for our mental health and wellbeing.

We've worked with a former service user, a Peer Support Worker and students at West Suffolk College to produce some videos designed to give you ideas about how you can improve your wellbeing during winter. Take a look at the videos below.

If you are struggling at this, or anytime of the year you should consider self-referring to our Wellbeing services. These services are available free of charge. Visit the website at or telephone 03001231503.

If you're a young person you may also find the support available at and of use.

Supporting your wellbeing during winter - Former service user Jackie's perspective

Supporting your wellbeing during winter - Peer Support Worker Tim's perspective

How to keep well this winter - tips from students at West Suffolk College

Vicky is a young person who worked with us to produce the above film, she said of the experience “Being able to work on this video project was so exciting and such an honour for me.

“Even though I love winter, my own mental health can be touch and go all year round. Speaking out about this and showing other people it’s okay not to be okay is something I’m passionate about.

“Through this project I was able to engage with other young people and mental health professionals while meeting a wide range of students and staff at West Suffolk College.

“Although I’m a few years older than the students we worked with, I was able to see we all cope in similar ways – listening to music, opening up to friends, using humour to cope – while learning we all experience similar things with our mental health.”


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