Priscilla's story

Photo of a female member of NSFT staff standing

What is the best thing about your job?

Empowering staff to instigate clinical interventions independently, ensuring that each service user is safe. There are many opportunities for career development, a lot of energy in the trust for Quality Improvement (QI) and a really vibrant Equality, Diversity and Inclusion community.


What is your biggest daily challenge? 

Most recently, the pandemic and its impact on wellbeing of both staff and patients is the main daily challenge. The daily adaptation to clinical practice can also be challenging.


Why did you decide to join NSFT?

An ex-colleague of mine told me great things about working for NSFT - particularly about career development opportunities. So, I took their advice and am still here today!


Photo of a female member of NSFT staff laughing

How have you developed in your role at NSFT?

There have been so many development opportunities for me to take, including coaching, mentoring, QI (quality improvement) and leadership courses. By seizing these opportunities, I have been able to progress into my current position of Modern Matron


What are the best things about living in Norfolk and Suffolk?

There are beautiful coasts and rural landscapes - plus lots of activities and days out for families. Both Norfolk and Suffolk have lovely shopping centres, and Norwich has an international airport that is handy for international travel and holiday destinations.


There have been so many development opportunities for me to take, including coaching, mentoring, QI (quality improvement) and leadership courses.

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