Access our self-study material

As well as attending Recovery College courses, you can access our self study material. 

Choose from podcasts, workbooks, interactive courses and information sheets.

You can also find links to some of the resources used in our Zoom and webinar courses too.

Listen to our podcasts

How’s it going? Using CHIME to stay on the path to recovery 

In this podcast Mark and Barbara talk about how things are going for them and talk about how we can manage our time and use CHIME at home during COVID-19. The podcast also contains their very own “getting to know you” style Desert Island Discs.

Listen to the Using CHIME to Stay on the Path to Recovery podcast here

Top Tips for Keeping Well during COVID-19

In this podcast Mark and Sharon share their top tips for keeping well during COVID-19. The podcast also contains a Recovery Quiz!

Listen to the Top Tips for Keeping Well podcast here

Compassion for Recovery 

In this podcast Breanne talks to student, Elizabeth, who shares how compassion helped her recovery. 

For an introduction on how you can begin to build the Compassionate Self, you can also go to the six podcasts by Professor Paul Gilbert  at  

Listen to the Compassion for Recovery video podcast here

Using Character Strengths to Support Our Resilience video podcast

In this podcast, Breanne, Sophie and Sian discuss how we can use our character strengths to support us in this time of isolation and social distancing.

Listen to the Using Character Strengths video podcast here

Recovery Conversations with Sarah and Sophie

Sarah and Sophie talk about living alongside a mental health problem during this difficult time, particularly OCD, anxiety and paranoia.

Listen to the Recovery Conversations with Sarah and Sophie podcast here

Exploring Breakdown, Depression and Recovery 

Sonya talks about her experience of divorce, which led to a breakdown. She discusses how she survived depression, only to be hit by the grief caused by losing her father. The Recovery Colelge became her mentor and supported her recovery. She aspires to support others in their recovery journeys. 

Listen to the Exploring Breakdown, Depression and Recovery podcast here

What is Recovery?

Sarah, Mark and Sharn talk about connections and identity. They cover meaning, empowerment and hope with lots of lived experience advice to help you on your way with your recovery. 

Listen to the What is Recovery podcast here

Talking about Values

Sharn and Breanne talk about values. More specifically, they discuss what they are, why they can be beneficial, and how you can begin to work out your values. They draw upon the work by Dr Russ Harris about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Listen to the Talking about Values podcast here

Physical Activity and Recovery 

Danny, who has learned experience of mental health challenges, is joined by Jason and Terry, who work within the Early Intervention team. They discuss how they became interested in physical activity and how it is beneficial to their personal recovery. 

Listen to the Physical Activity and Recovery podcast here

Recovery Narratives

Amanda and Breanne explore the use of narratives within Peer Support Work and the Recovery College. More specifically, they discuss why they are used and why they are important. 

Listen to the Recovery Narratives podcast here

My Journey into Peer Tutoring 

Sharn talks about her inspirational journey from a service user to Peer Tutor, who supports others experiencing mental health difficulties. 

Listen to the My Journey into Peer Tutoring podcast here

How to Tell Your Story 

Mark discusses his experience of the course, "How to Tell Your Story"

Listen to the How to Tell Your Story podcast here

Joining the Recovery College 

Mark and Helen discuss their experiences with attending the Recovery College. You will also learn how to sign up for courses and support available. 

Listen to Joining the Recovery College here

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