Participation will be positive and enjoyable. It will be meaningful, reciprocal, and supportive and enable personal development for all. Everyone will benefit and feel their input is valued.
Here are just some of the experiences that people who have participated with us have shared;
"Through working with the participation team I realised that my mental health was stronger when I was involved in projects that were creative rather than only focusing on illness, and that it was time for me to spread my wings and fly!" From a service user.
"They have been really suffering the last couple of years so it was great to see them connecting with others, especially brave with adults, and having fun" - From a carer.
"Being an Expert by Experience makes me proud, I have never been an expert before but I feel like I am good at something, and I am listened to. I like doing interview panels because I get to help chose the best member of staff for the next patients." - From a service user.
"Participating has allowed me to see a way out of being 'ill' and to start living again. I have started to believe I might have a life outside of mental health. I am think of applying for a job, and I am more confident in socialising." - From a service user.
"My work in participation has taught me the importance of involving people with lived experience in the growth of NSFT. I have so much respect for everyone who is working hard to improve Mental Health Services. I love that life has given me the opportunity to be a small part of this amazing organisation. I feel I have grown on a person and professional level by participating. My confidence has increased and I feel the happiest I have ever been!" - From a service user.