The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIRs) provide a separate right of access to environmental information, in addition to the other rights you have under the FOIA.
Under the EIRs, everyone has the right to access information about the environment. This includes information about the air and atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape, substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste, emissions, discharges etc, as well as information about policies which affect these things.
You can request this information in writing, in person or over the telephone. Please contact:
Information Rights Team
Kestrel House
Hellesdon Hospital
Drayton High Road
Tel: 01603 421108 / 264
Unlike the FOIA, EIR requests cannot be refused just because of what it would cost the public authority to comply. The exceptions to the duty to disclose information also differ slightly from those under the FOIA. However, both the EIRs and the FOIA are enforced by the independent Information Commissioner.
If you feel that your request for environmental information has been wrongly handled, you should first ask the public authority to review their decision. If you are still unhappy, then you may ask the Information Commissioner to investigate.