Care planning

Putting service users at the centre of care planning

The Care Programme Approach (CPA) framework keeps our care planning focused on the service user. It means care and support is well-organised, meets identified needs and stays up-to-date

CPA is a way of understanding the health and social (non clinical) care needs of someone with mental health problems, so we can provide a package of care that ensures they get the full help and support they need. This approach helps everyone involved communicate with service users and each other.

The process

After an initial assessment the approach can be discussed. If required, a care plan will be co-produced with the service user and anyone else they would like involved (carer, advocate, outreach worker and others).

The care co-ordinator has a key role to play in deciding who (which agency) needs to contribute for maximum benefit. The set of interventions and treatments is regularly evaluated to understand if it is still relevant to recovery, effective and safe.

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