Researching Together Network

The aim of the 'Researching Together Network' (RTN) is to increase opportunities for people to access national and local mental health research across Norfolk and Suffolk. We want to see as many people as possible represented in research - so we are being pro-active in recruiting a diverse selection of people for our studies. One way we are doing this is by talking to community organisations and encouraging them to sign up to our database.

Research is essential to our organisation. Before Restitute started working with 3rd party victims of crime, there was little evidence of the impact caring in traumatic circumstances had on families, primary victims, nor of the needs of this isolated, stigmatised and traumatised community. But this is a new area of work and so research is essential to be able to demonstrate the impact we're making.

Cath Pickles, CEO and Founder, Restitute

We can send the organisation and their members information about studies, invitations to seminars about mental health research, opportunities for co- production of research studies, the research training programme and our newsletter. Importantly, we can hear what organisations are finding, any trends they are noticing in people's mental health. So we can be even more responsive with research aimed at improving the quality of life for people in our community. 

Research is important to our organisation as we are a needs led organisation and strongly believe that the women we support are the experts of their own experiences. We believe that their voices and needs should be at the forefront when looking at research and service provision. 

Natasha Cobb, Suffolk Rape Crisis

If you are part of an organisation that may be interested in mental health research through the Researching Together Network, please do get in touch either via email: — follow the link:

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