Work experience

Gold Award - Work Experience Quality Standard. As awarded by NHS England

The Team are excited to announce we are now in the position to reopen our Gold Standard Work Experience! Elisha and Holly will be working together to secure placements within the Trust for our aspiring future workforce.

Work experience with NSFT offers individuals the opportunity to gain an insight into the world of work. Work experience takes place in the workplace and allows people to experience what it is like to undertake a job supervised by staff who already work in the environment. Some work experience placements offer a hands-on experience of appropriately risk assessed activities, while some provide insights, observation and work shadowing.  Work experience and/or insights may also be offered virtually. All can provide a valuable experience for people looking to move into a career in the health sector.

The Work Experience offer is changing slightly to make sure we can meet expectations and keep to our standards of work experience:

  • Applicants aged between 14 to 16 years will be offered a Virtual Taster Session
  • Applicants aged between 14 to 16 years and attending the same School / College will be offered a School Taster Session
  • Applicants aged 17 and over will be offered a face-to-face Placement in a Non-Clinical or Clinical team for a maximum of 2 weeks, based on their preference and the availability of Placements within the Trust 

Past work experience student work

Written reviews from previous work experience students are available to download below:

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