Parent/Carer mental health workshops

The Psychology in Schools team, part of the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, deliver free monthly workshops to parents/carers on a range of mental health topics. These include topics such as supporting your child to manage their big feelings, anxiety, OCD, eating difficulties and more! All parents/carers are welcome to join.

These popular parent/carer workshops have been developed by experienced mental health professionals, with feedback from parents/carers. They are delivered online via Zoom by professionals from the Early Intervention Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (EI-CAMHS). Workshops last between 60 to 75 minutes and run during the day and early evening. You will not be seen by other attendees or the presenter.

The NSFT Psychology in Schools Team also offers a free online parent/carer workshop program that addresses childhood neurodiversity and covers key topics that families have identified as most helpful. These workshops are offered to support families on the neurodevelopmental (NDD) pathway in Suffolk. To book your place, access previous workshop recordings, visit the Suffolk Local Offer Page here: Neurodiversity online parent/carer workshops - Suffolk SEND Local Offer.

Free upcoming live workshops

You can sign-up to future parent workshops through our Eventbrite page. 

View our  Summer Term Psychology in Schools Workshop Programme - Apr to Aug 2025 - 2 [pdf] 228KB to learn more about future workshops.

If you're interested in registering for future events, or would like to see what the team have coming up, visit our Eventbrite page.

Upcoming workshops in our Childhood Neurodivergence series can be accessed through the Suffolk Local Offer page here: Neurodiversity online parent/carer workshops - Suffolk SEND Local Offer.


Supporting Young People with Anxiety

This workshop is for parents of school aged children to help them understand anxiety better. The session covers: what is anxiety, why anxiety, how it effects the brain, how it effects the body, how it impacts on what we do and don’t do and how parents can support their children/adolescents who might be struggling with anxiety.

Watch the workshop here: Anxiety in Adolescence (

Parenting the Anxious Adolescent

Part one

This workshop is for parents of children and adolescents who are aged 12 and above, who have attended or viewed a recording of the Psychology in Schools Team anxiety workshop

This is the first part of a two-part webinar is delivered by the Under 18s Wellbeing Team part of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. It will provide additional strategies and aims to further develop understanding of anxiety, so that parents feel more confident in supporting their young people with anxiety.

Watch the workshop here: Parenting the Anxious Adolescent (Part 1) (

Part two

This workshop is for parents of children and adolescents aged 12 and above, who have attended or viewed a recording of “Parenting the Anxious Adolescent – Part 1" . This is the second part of a two-part webinar is delivered by the Under 18s Wellbeing Team part of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. It will provide additional strategies and aims to further develop understanding of anxiety, so that parents feel more confident in supporting their young people.

Watch the workshop here: Parenting the Anxious Adolescent (Part 2) (

Supporting Your Child to Manage Their Big Feelings

Dr Hope Westgate and Dr Tamara Scully, Clinical Psychologists from NSFT, deliver a workshop for parents on ‘supporting children to manage big feelings’. This workshop includes information on children’s emotional development and what is happening in their brain when they are experiencing big emotions. It also provides practical and supportive guidance on what are some of the things that parents can do to support their children with the emotions they experience. This workshop is primarily aimed at parents of children who are under 12.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child with Anxiety and Big feelings (

Supporting Your Child/Adolescent with Anxiety

This workshop is for parents of school aged children to help them understand anxiety better. The session covers: what is anxiety, why anxiety, how it effects the brain, how it effects the body, how it impacts on what we do and don’t do and how parents can support their children/adolescents who might be struggling with anxiety.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child/Adolescent with Anxiety (

Building Confidence and Managing Anxiety in Your Child (Under 12s)

Part 1

This workshop is for parents of children under 12 who have attended or viewed a recording of the Psychology in Schools Team anxiety workshop

Watch the workshop here: Anxiety in Adolescence (


Watch the workshop here: Supporting your child to manage their big feelings (

This is the first part of a two-part webinar is delivered by the Under 18s Wellbeing Team part of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. It will provide additional strategies and aims to further develop understanding of anxiety, so that parents feel more confident in supporting their young people.

View part one on our YouTube channel: Building Confidence and Managing Anxiety in your Child (Part 1) (

Part 2

This workshop is for parents of children under 12 who have attended the “Building Confidence and Managing Anxiety in Your Child (Under 12s) - Part 1. This is the second part of a two-part webinar is delivered by the Under 18s Wellbeing Team part of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. It will provide additional strategies and aims to further develop understanding of anxiety, so that parents feel more confident in supporting their young people.

Watch the workshop here: Building Confidence and Managing Anxiety in your Child (Part 2) (

Eating Difficulties

Supporting Young People with Eating Difficulties

This workshop explores reasons why children and young people may struggle with eating difficulties, what parents/carers can do to help and what are the red flags for eating disorders to alert families to seek specialist help. The workshop is presented by Dr Annie Bryant (clinical psychologist) and Emily Mizen (assistant psychologist) from the Psychology in Schools Team.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting Children/Adolescents with Eating Difficulties (

Emotion Regulation

Understanding the Teenage Brain - Supporting our Teenagers With Emotion

During adolescence, the brain is going through some very big changes – these changes are positive and support our young people to make the transition into adulthood. However, these changes can be confusing and understanding what is happening in the teenage brain is incredibly helpful. This session will explore these brain changes and how they impact on all aspects of our adolescent’s life, including mood, behaviour, risk taking and relationships. We will also explore what we can do to strengthen our relationships with our young people and support them through this period of development. With thanks to Dr Hazel Harrison for the brilliant brain house illustration.

Watch the workshop here: Understanding the adolescent brain - Supporting our teenagers with emotions (

Supporting Your Child to Regulate Their Emotions

Does your child struggle to manage strong emotions, get very stressed or have difficulty with managing relationships? Then this parent/carer workshop may be for you! This introductory session will explore what emotion dysregulation is and what can impact a child’s ability to regulate their emotions. It will then focus on what parents and carers can do to support their children/adolescents in this.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child/Adolescent to Regulate Their Emotions (

Family Relationships

How to Get What You Want: Adolescent Workshop

Do you find that it is sometimes really difficult to get from others what you need? Do others struggle to understand you or you get the least helpful response from them? This session by the Psychology in Schools Team helps give practical tips for young people on how to communicate well with others (whether that is your friends, parents, teachers or any other human being). These tips have been tried and tested by other young people, and can be especially helpful, especially if you may experience times of low mood.

Watch the workshop here: How to get what you want: Adolescent Workshop (

Getting Children Back to School

Supporting Your Child to Attend or Get Back To School

This workshop, delivered by the Psychology in Schools Team, focuses on supporting parents to help their young people in attending or getting back into school. The workshop provides an understanding of school avoidance for parents, with reference to West Suffolk Guidance. It also discusses strategies and ideas that can be used to help young people feel confident in re-engaging with school.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child to Attend or Get Back to School (

Low Mood

Supporting Young People with Low Mood

All of our young people have days when they feel low,  this is perfectly normal.  Sometimes this low mood hangs around for a bit longer and starts to make it much more difficult for our young people to do the things that are important to them and have the kind of relationships they want to have with others.  For us as parents it can be hard to spot these difficulties especially among all the other changes that are happening in adolescence. This workshop will help you to have a better understanding of why our young people are more vulnerable to low mood once they reach adolescence, the warning signs and some evidence based strategies to best support your young person. 

Watch the workshop here: Supporting Your Child or Adolescent with Low Mood (

Managing Behaviours

Supporting Our Young People with Challenging Behaviour

In this workshop Dr Kelsey Odgers (Clinical Psychologist, NSFT) and Katherine Thrasher (Assistant Psychologist, Countywide ADHD Service, NSFT) will explore child behaviour that parents or teachers find challenging to manage, such as: hyperactivity, difficulties with attention, aggression, difficulties with friendships and relationships, and irritability. We will cover practical strategies to help manage these behaviours positively. This workshop may be helpful for parents who have concerns around possible ADHD in their young person.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting Your Child or Adolescent with Challenging Behaviour (


Understanding Trauma

This workshop recording is for parents and carers of young people who have experienced trauma. It includes a brief introduction to understanding what we mean by trauma and considers the impact of early traumatic experiences on child development. It focuses on what you can do to support your young person’s wellbeing and sense of psychological safety. Resources and information around services have also be shared in the workshop for when further support is needed.

Watch the workshop here: Understanding Trauma (

Obsessions and Compulsions

Supporting our Young People with OCD

This workshop is for parents of school aged children to help them understand 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder' (OCD) better. This session covers: what OCD is, how it effects and impacts young people and how parents can support their children/adolescents who might be struggling with OCD and further support available. The Psychology in Schools Team is based in Suffolk, UK so resource information focuses on services local to there, but helpful national resources for parents, carers and young people are also shared. Since contact details change, do check the original source for the most up to date information about services.

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child or Adolescent with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (

Understanding and Supporting Your Child with Tourette's Syndrome/Tics

This workshop delivered by clinicians experienced in working with young people with Tourette’s/Tic Disorder will provide information about Tourette’s and Tics in children and young people, dispel some common myths and give guidance on how you can best support your child/teenager as they negotiate the highs and lows of life with tics.

Watch the workshop here: Building Understanding and Supporting your Child with Tourette’s/Tics (

Resilience and Managing Stress

Building Resilience, Managing the Next Steps

Part 1

This workshop explores what resilience is and why it is important for our young people. The sessions focus on five key components to wellbeing and resilience and suggests practical support for our young people in each of these five areas. The workshop pays particular attention to the approaching summer holidays and the opportunities these offer.

Watch the workshop here: Parent workshop: Building resilience - managing the next steps (

Part 2 

This workshop, delivered by the Psychology in Schools Team (NSFT) is an extension of our previous workshop; Resilience and Managing the Next Steps (Part 1). In this workshop, we explore what resilience is, and provide an overview and re-cap of the five key components to wellbeing and resilience. By strengthening resilience, young people are in a better position to manage challenges in life, including change and transitions. The workshop also looks more closely at transitions, and how to help support young people to build the skills to manage transitions, as well as discussing practical considerations when preparing your child for a transition.

Watch the workshop here: Building Resilience: Managing the Next Steps (Part 2) (


Managing Exam Stress

A workshop for parents and young people to provide guidance around exam season.

It is very normal for exams and tests to lead to anxiety, stress, and worry. This workshop is designed for both parents and young people to attend to provide guidance around preparing for and coping with exam season.

Watch the workshop here: Top Tips For Managing Exam Stress 2022 (

Tools to Manage Uncertainty and Building Resilience in Young People

Life is always unpredictable, but we have been living with a much higher degree of uncertainty over this last year than is usual. This workshop will introduce strategies that parents/carers/professionals can support their young people to help them cope better with uncertainty now and in the years to come. Being able to adapt to situations by learning to tolerate emotions and cope with change reduces stress levels and is a great skill for life. This workshop is suitable for parents/carers of all children struggling in the current pandemic who would like to learn strategies they can teach their children to manage difficult thoughts, feelings, and situations. It is also helpful for professionals who might work with young people.

Watch the workshop here: Tools for Managing Uncertainty and Building Resilience (


Understanding Young People's Self-Harm

This workshop delivered by the Psychology in Schools Team (NSFT) provides an introduction to understanding self-harm among young people and adolescents. It aims to develop parents’ understanding of self-harm and will cover: “What is self-harm?”, “Why does self-harm happen?”, and “What can I do to help?”.

This workshop is presentation based and aimed at parents and carers who live within Norfolk and Suffolk. 

This video contains information on self-harm among young people. If you are concerned about your child’s safety please speak to a health professional. Samaritans can be called on 116 123. 

Watch the workshop here: Understanding young people's self-harm (


Supporting our children and adolescents with sleep

Experiencing sleep difficulties at some stage in our lives is common. We know that children and young people can particularly struggle with their sleep. Sleep difficulties are not only frustrating, but they start to impact on our mood and everyday lives.

This sleep workshop is aimed at parents and carers who have children over 11 years old who may be experiencing difficulties with their sleep. The workshop, delivered by the Psychology in Schools Team, covers important topics such as:

  • why we need sleep
  • why teenagers may struggle more with this
  • what you can do to support your young person to have a better night’s sleep

Watch the workshop here: Supporting your Child or Adolescent with Sleep (

Social media

Social Media and the Impact on our Teenagers' Mental Health

This workshop increases understanding of how the use of social media might be associated with mental health difficulties, including anxiety, low mood, self-harm and body image. It also explores the world of our young people to offer a balanced perspective to supporting our young people in this area. Delivered by Dr Beth Mosley (Consultant Clinical Psychologist) and Emily Mizen (Assistant Psychologist).

Watch the workshop here: Social Media and the Impact on our Teenagers' Mental Health - Parent workshop (

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