Frequently asked questions about Hellesdon New Wards

What is the vision for the new wards site?

The Trust has a vision to employ an innovative approach in the development of this project, with a focus on both the internal and external spaces.

Our aim is to create an environment which is comfortable, welcoming, and helps service users to feel safe, as evidence shows this can have a positive impact on their recovery.

Placement of the new buildings within the site will connect with existing buildings and the wider environment. This approach will create a focused health campus.

Where has the funding come from?

Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) submitted a bid via Norfolk and Waveney Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) to NHS England for a “Hellesdon Ward Rebuild” project on July 2018. This bid was approved in August 2019 as part of the Wave 4B allocation.

We were awarded £38m in Government funding to develop new facilities to benefit our patients. The current project budget is £55.4m, with £17.4m coming from Trust capital allocation and Norfolk & Waveney ICB allocations. 

An increase of 15 beds will require an increase in staffing. Is this included within the budget?

Yes, a revenue budget for a fifth ward has been included within the ask to the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS), which has been supported within our business case to NHS England.

Has the project received planning permission?

Yes full planning permission was granted by Broadland District Council in Spring 2023.

Where will the new wards be built?

The new wards will be built on the undeveloped area opposite the current clinical buildings on the lower plateau.

What will the new campus look like?

A predominantly single storey proposal reflects the scale and form of existing buildings remaining on the site.

What will the central Hub be used for?

Our existing wards will be linked to the new build by a welcoming central hub. This will be carefully designed to promote a feeling of community.

The Hub will be the heart of the campus providing a focal point for the buildings and the community at large. It will include a café, tribunal facility and entrance/reception and we hope to include a fresh cook kitchen in the future.

At the very front of the development, there is a gym space, designed as a pavilion on the corner of the large Welcome Green. This is more removed from the very centre of the Hub to help support a more outward facing role, with further possibilities for community integration or out-patient areas.

Will there be dedicated staff rest areas?

Each ward contains a dedicated staff rest area, including staff changing facilities.

Will the wards be single gender?

Yes, all wards will be single gender accommodation, in line with good practice to improve safety, dignity and privacy of those we care for who are most unwell, in line with government guidance. 

What are you plans for developing the green space?

The designs make full use of the natural environment at our Hellesdon site with the aim of providing a tranquil haven where both patients and staff can relax away from our clinical areas. We hope that this will have a positive impact on everyone’s wellbeing, while also playing an important role in our service users’ recovery.

The external spaces are considered to have the same level of importance as the ward environments. They provide an opportunity for relaxation, exercise, gardening activities and a chance to meet with family and friends.

They will play a part in creating a welcoming and positive atmosphere, giving the new campus a real identity and will help people to navigate their way around the site.

Are the specifications for the wards being built in line with national standards?

The new ward environments will be built in line with HBN 03-01 standards.

How secure will the new site be?

Secure boundaries are being created within the building footprint and ward environment as well as around the site boundaries with higher levels of safety and security in the wards that require them.Lighting and CCTV will also cover the site at all hours. 

Have service users and carers been involved in the development of the plans?

We have been listening carefully to our service users, staff and partners as these concepts have been developed which has been essential in helping to shape these designs. We continue to incorporate people’s feedback as we move closer to completion, involving service users in colour and furniture choices as well as art work. 

From the beginning of the project, we have fully involved people with experience of inpatient units in planning and delivering this major project and continue to invite service users and carers to get involved. They continue to  play an important role throughout the project by ensuring that the voices of the people who use our services are heard throughout and their views taken into account. Our People Participation Leads have been instrumental in gathering feedback from our inpatient units.

Our first workshops took place in April and May 2020 when we explored the demands on our inpatient services now and going forward. This was followed by further workshops,1:1 sessions and design workshops with service users, carers, staff, Governors and partners.

Will there be provision for ward administrators to be based on the new wards?

Each ward will have administration offices as well as nurses station, doctors office and ward managers office.

Will access to the Hellesdon site change?

The entrance to the site will be via the Hospital Road entrance.

Efficient use of existing car parking space and better arrangements for pedestrians, cycling, drop off zones and taxi use will help to reduce the dominance of vehicles by giving priority to planned external spaces. This will help to create a more restful environment for people on the wards.

Will there be disabled parking onsite and where will people park?

Disabled car parking will be available near to the main entrance to the new hub and next to each ward. Parking will remain behind Wensum Meadows and the large car park on the middle plateau will be retained.

Will there be provision for the charging of electric vehicles?

Yes, there are plans for 12 new EV charging points across the site.

What about additional noise and light on the site?

The shape of the site and careful arrangement of the physical landscape allows the new buildings to nestle into the landscape and provide natural protection from noise and light while providing necessary safety and security levels.

Will water and drainage be an issue?

A strategy was developed at outline planning stage that ensures all existing and new drainage requirements are dealt with within the existing site.

When will the new wards open?

We hope to complete construction by the end of autumn 2024, when the wards will then be made ready to accept patients in the January 2025.

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