Welcome to Hammerton Court

Information for patients and their families, carers and friends


Welcome to Hammerton Court

This booklet has been developed by the staff, families, carers and friends of patients, at Hammerton Court. We hope that it will provide you with all the information you need to know about how the wards function, but if there is something we haven’t covered, or you would like further information on, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of staff.

Our aims and philosophy

There are three wards in Hammerton Court called Beach, Rose and Reed. Each ward has 13 beds for patients with a diagnosis of dementia who require a specialist level of assessment, care and treatment. We have a skilled team of professionals that includes: nurses, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, activity co-ordinators, physiotherapists and psychologists, supported by administration staff. We also have a pastoral care team. We work closely with other agencies (for example, social services and care homes) and together, aim to provide a safe and effective service that is centred around the personal needs of the patient. We recognise that families and carers can experience significant stress when a loved one is admitted to hospital. We also understand that families and carers have already gone through a difficult journey prior to an admission. We will strive to keep you involved and updated as much as we can during a hospital admission, and will encourage you to be part of the team in shaping the care of your loved one. Our commitment is to provide a welcoming environment to everyone who comes onto the wards, and put the patient and carer at the centre of everything we do.


On admission the role of the wards is to assess, treat and identify future care needs for the patient.

On arrival, staff will introduce themselves and the ward surroundings to you, and will try and answer any questions you may have. You will also be told at this point who the named nurse and the named care support worker / assistant practitioner will be, as well as the name of the ward doctor and the ward psychiatrist.

The patient will have a thorough physical examination, this will include taking blood and urine samples, checking height, weight, blood pressure, temperature and pulse. Please give all medications that the patient is currently taking to staff for safekeeping; this includes prescribed, over-the-counter and complementary medicines.

It is very important at this stage for staff to gather as much information as possible from the patient, their family and carers. We need to know about the patient’s history, as well as the events leading up to their admission. It would be most helpful if you are able to work with staff to complete the Life History. Together, with this information, we can use a person-centred approach to shape care plans and encourage meaningful engagement with the patient.

Patients’ assessments and treatments are individual, so the duration of the stay on the ward will vary from person to person. Once the assessment and treatment process has been completed, and future care needs have been identified, the patient will be discharged. This could be back to their own home (with or without a care package), to a residential or nursing home.

Further assessment

Sometimes the assessment will take longer to complete. In these circumstances, the patient might be referred to one of our further assessment wards. These wards provide an extended period of assessment and treatment for the patient, to help identify future care needs. Again, the length of stay in hospital will vary from person to person, depending on the needs of the individual. Discharge is usually either to a residential or nursing home.

Equipment provision

As part of the Multi-Disciplinary Team assessment we may issue patients with Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust assessment equipment during their admission. Unfortunately, we are not able to loan or provide this equipment on discharge, for example; specialised seating. Ongoing provision for equipment required after discharge, will be discussed with patients and carers as part of the discharge planning, and as part of the Decision Support Tool (DST) discussions. See section headed DST on page 8.

Ward rounds

Each ward has a weekly ward round, during which each patient is reviewed by the multi-disciplinary team (that is; the psychiatrist, nurse, occupational therapist etc.). Both patients and their families or carers are welcome at the ward round, during the time that the individual review is taking place. Please notify a staff member of your wish to attend and they will be able to inform you of the next available date and time.

Relative and carer involvement

Initially you will be invited to attend a meeting within 72 hours of admission. You will then be invited on a regular basis, to meet with the named nurse and other ward staff, so that you are included in the care plan review. With your input, we aim to provide the best person-centred care. If you would like to meet individually with a particular team member, simply notify a member of staff and a meeting will be arranged.

Life story work

Life story work is where a person is supported by family members and those involved in their care, to gather and review information on their past life events. This might include information on their childhood, work, relationships, interests and more. The aim is to build a personal biography that can be presented in a variety of ways (for example, as a poster or book).

Life story is important in helping ward staff to understand an individual’s background, personality, beliefs, interests and more. It may help staff understand why the person behaves in a certain way, and therefore can be an important part of care planning. Furthermore, it is also an opportunity for the person to share and reflect on their life, with particular focus on positive aspects.

There are a range of ways in which ward staff can gather life story information. We encourage family, friends and carers to be as involved as possible in gathering information and shaping the life story.

Dementia Care Mapping (DCM)

Psychologists Tom Kitwood and Kathleen Bredin developed DCM™ in the early 1990s at the University of Bradford. They designed an observational tool that looks at the care of people living with dementia, from the viewpoint of the person living with dementia. The results from the observations can assist with the development of person-centred care.

It is only used in ‘public’ areas, such as lounge and dining areas. One or two trained mappers sit and observe what happens to people with dementia over the course of a typical day. When the observation is finished, the results are analysed and fed back to the care team so that care can be developed.

The focus of mapping is on the person with dementia and their experience, rather than care staff or visitors.

Dementia Care Mapping takes place at Hammerton Court. Please ask ward staff if you would like more information.

Other meetings relating to the patient’s care

There are other meetings that may take place during the course of a patient’s stay at Hammerton Court. Patients and their families or carers are encouraged to attend the following meetings:

Section 117 meetings

These meetings relate to the Mental Health Act, 1983. This Act is the legislation used to detain patients in a hospital, and means that the patient is detained on Hammerton Court | 7 a formal (involuntary) basis. The length of time a patient can be detained depends on the type of mental health condition he or she has and their personal circumstances at the time of their admission. A patient can be detained for:

• Up to 28 days under section 2 of the Act

• Up to six months under section 3 of the Act

If a patient is detained in hospital under section 3 of the Mental Health Act, section 117 meetings are a legal requirement. These meetings focus on care plan reviews and on discharge planning.

Both section 2 and 3 of the Mental Health Act, 1983 can be brought to a close before they are due to expire. When sections are rescinded or due to expire, an assessment takes place to identify if the patient is able to give consent to stay in hospital as an informal (voluntary) patient. If the outcome of this assessment is that the patient does not have capacity to give consent, the Mental Capacity Act, 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (known as DoLS), provides the legal framework for the patient’s stay in hospital.

Information leaflets about the legal basis of admission and stay in hospital are provided in the Admission Pack. Do not hesitate to discuss these with the nursing team

Decision Support Tool (DST) meetings

Future care needs of the patient can be funded by the patient, healthcare (NHS) funding or social care funding. The DST meetings (as they are often referred to) are held to discuss the eligibility of the patient for future funding of care needs.

Discharge Planning meetings

When a patient is considered ready to be discharged from the ward, a Discharge Planning meeting is held to discuss possible discharge options. We have dedicated Discharge Co-ordinators (qualified nurses) who explore the options available and liaise with families, carers, residential and nursing homes. This will include discussion around any specialised equipment required, as we are not able to loan or provide this equipment on discharge. See section headed Equipment Provision.

Best Interest meetings

If it is difficult to come to an agreement around the discharge plans, a Best Interest meeting takes place. This is chaired by a person external to our Trust.


Family, Carers and Friends Group

Family, carers and friends of individuals having a period of hospital admission, are invited along to our ‘Family, Carers and Friends Group’. This is an informative and supportive group facilitated by staff at Hammerton Court.

The group is a great opportunity, in a friendly environment, to get information and advice about dementia, the wards and more. Each session usually has informationsharing on a topic (for example; life story, medication, communication). You are welcome to contribute and ask questions if you wish, and there is always time for general conversation and support.

Look out for information posters giving dates and times, or ask any of the nursing or psychology teams, or at reception.


How to recognise different staff uniforms

Clinical Team Leaders / Ward Manager, (navy uniform) are responsible for the overall running of the ward and for dealing with any concerns you may have, that have not been able to be resolved by staff on the ward.

Charge Nurses (navy-blue uniform) provide clinical and operational leadership to the nursing team.

Registered Nurses (mid-blue uniform) are responsible for coordinating the nursing care of the patients.

Assistant Practitioners (burgundy uniform) are not registered nurses but have a high level of training in specific areas, and support the registered nurses in delivering high quality, person-centered care. Either a registered nurse or an Assistant Practitioner will be the patient’s named nurse.

Clinical Support Workers (light-blue uniform) provide direct nursing care for the patient, such as helping with washing, dressing and mealtimes.

Physical Health Nurses (navy-blue uniform) provide an assessment and treatment of the patient’s physical health care needs.

Occupational Therapists (white and green uniform) provide an assessment of the patient’s everyday ability (for example; washing, dressing and eating) and identify goals that can help maintain the patient’s independence as much as possible.

Activity Coordinators (green uniform) identify, plan and encourage the patient to take part in activities that have meaning and value for him or her. This is where the Life History / Life Story work is very important.

Physiotherapists (white or coloured aertex tops and some wear white tunics with blue edging and physiotherapist logo) assess the mobility of the patient and identify goals and plan interventions to help keep the patient as independent as possible.

Consultant Psychiatrists and the team of doctors (no uniform) are responsible for the medical treatment of the patient.

Clinical Psychologists (no uniform) provide an assessment of the patient’s psychological needs and identify psychological interventions which help meet these needs.

Psychological interventions can either be delivered to the patient, directly by the psychologist, or alongside other ward staff.

Other Staff / Students

All the wards are teaching wards for students from all disciplines. The colour of their uniforms vary. Do please ask if you are unsure as to who a member of staff is.

Agency Nurses (usually a white uniform but this can vary depending on which agency the nurse works for) are not employed by the Trust directly, but work through a nursing agency and provide nursing support where needed.


What is expected of visitors to Hammerton Court?

Please visit during visiting hours listed on the reverse of booklet. Please note: we have protected mealtimes from 12noon to 2pm, when the wards are closed to visitors.

For health and safety reasons, please sign in the Visitors Book at Reception when you arrive and sign out when you leave. Our receptionist will then be able to escort you to the ward. Reception is open from 8am until 4pm, Monday to Friday and 9am until 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

If you arrive outside of reception hours, there is a telephone intercom outside the front doors at Hammerton Court which will connect you to the wards. A member of staff from the wards will meet you at reception and escort you through.

When visiting Hammerton Court, please respect the privacy and dignity of all. Mobile phones and cameras are not allowed to be used on the wards. If you need to take a call on your mobile phone, please do this in the Hub area or outside the wards by reception – thank you. Photographs / videos or recordings, whether on mobile phone or camera, are not permitted to be taken within the ward environment. Verbal abuse, aggression or damage to property is not acceptable at any time.

What is expected of patients during their stay at Hammerton Court?

Patients are asked to treat staff, other patients, visitors and the ward environment with respect. They are also asked to adhere to the no smoking, illicit drug and alcohol policies. Patients, along with their families and carers, are encouraged to participate in the planning, implementation and review of their care.

We’re Smokefree

The Trust operates a “Smokefree policy” on all its sites to protect everyone from the harmful effects of tobacco and second-hand smoke. This means that you cannot smoke tobacco products (cigarettes and roll-ups) in any Trust building or in our grounds. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is available to help people to stop smoking while they are in hospital; including nicotine patches, inhalators and lozenges, we pledge to offer this within 30 minutes of admission. Each area has a dedicated Smokefree Health Champion who is able to offer advice and support if you would like to quit smoking.

E-cigarettes and vaping devices are permitted to be used in outside areas. Please be aware that the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices will not be permitted inside any inpatient buildings, including bedrooms and communal areas – this means you are unable to use E-cigarettes and vaping devices inside any Trust properties. Ward staff will be able to advise you where the designated outside areas are.

Being Smokefree is one of the ways NSFT will help to ensure that staff and service users have the support they need to lead healthy lives.


Personal property

All belongings must be labelled including; all clothing, shoes and walking aids with the patients name. Spectacles, dentures and hearing aids are easy to misplace, so please ensure these are labelled too. Belongings can be looked after as far as possible but it cannot be guaranteed that these will not be misplaced or damaged within the hospital ward. We cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings. Please refer to the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust disclaimer.

“WARNING - PRIVATE PROPERTY” “Notice is hereby given that the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal property of any kind, including money, in whatever way the loss or damage may occur unless an official receipt is obtained for property which has been handed in for safe custody.”

Laundry bins are placed in the ward bedrooms, where staff will put items of personal clothing ready for you to take home for washing. It is recommended that you bring a bag to collect the laundry. We do recommend practical, not delicate clothing.

Please bring plenty of clothing (including nightwear) and good fitting shoes suitable for both indoor and outdoor wear, together with any walking aids required, for example; walking stick, walking frame.

Patients are encouraged to use their own preferred toiletries as these will maintain familiar smells and habits and reduce the chance of allergic reactions. Please bring in the patient’s own electric razor, if required, which will then be checked by the Trust’s electrician.

Families, carers and friends are encouraged to bring in items such as; books, magazines, photographs, DVDs and CDs for their loved ones. This will not only help staff to get to know their patients better but will also help communication between staff and patients and help the planning of meaningful and therapeutic activities on the ward. Staff are able to make copies of any photographs you bring in, so that you can keep the originals safe.


Valuable items, such as jewellery, are not encouraged on the wards. However, if a patient wishes to keep a valuable item with them, a disclaimer form will need to be signed, to ensure you are fully aware of the Trust Disclaimer. There is a cash office and safe to secure monies and valuables, and items will be stored in accordance with local procedures. We regret that we cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to items of value brought in, and not put into safe-keeping.

Data Protection and confidentiality

The Trust works in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018). We obtain permission regarding information sharing and manage all information confidentially. We would only disclose information without consent if there is a significant risk of harm to the patient or others.

Visiting hours

Please see visiting hours on back page.

Visiting is welcomed throughout the day, however, all the wards operate Protected Mealtimes, which means that wards are closed to visitors between 12noon and 2pm. This ensures that patients and staff are uninterrupted and mealtimes are a positive experience, providing valuable engagement time. If you would like to be involved in the protected time to help your loved one with their meal, do let a member of staff know. We encourage visits from family and friends, and fully support helpful and positive contact between service users and their relatives / carers.

Protected time also includes telephone calls to the ward so, where possible, if you need to telephone, please call before 12noon or after 2pm. Reception staff can take a message but only in emergency situations. Visiting is particularly encouraged between 10am-12noon, 2-5pm and 6-8pm.

Children up to and including the age of 16 years must be accompanied and supervised throughout visits by a responsible adult, preferably with parental responsibility.

Prior to any visit, where it is intended for children to accompany relatives and carers, this must be prearranged with the ward, and agreed by the Nurse in Charge. The ward will advise of any possible restrictions, prior to the intended visit taking place.

Incidents and accidents

Unfortunately, these do happen from time to time. If you witness an incident or accident on the ward, please tell a member of staff immediately.

Customer Services and advocacy services

Our Customer Services team provide confidential advice, information and support, helping you to answer any questions you have about our services or about any health matters.

Advocacy services offer a free, confidential and independent service, to help people understand their rights and be treated as equals.

Compliments, complaints and suggestions

Feedback on your experience of our services is very welcome as it enables us to know what’s working well on the wards and what isn’t working so well. Any comments you have can be fed back directly to the ward staff. If you make a complaint which you feel hasn’t been satisfactorily dealt with, there is a Help us to help you leaflet in Reception which gives you details of how to contact the Trust’s Patient Safety and Complaints department. Also in Reception is a Friends and Family Test leaflet which we encourage you to complete. You can also add your review of our services to the NHS website at: www.nhs.uk

And finally, advice and tips from the Family, Carers and Friends Support Group

• You will need a parking permit for the car park at the Julian Hospital (in the grounds of which is Hammerton Court). You can get the permit from Reception in Hammerton Court. It is therefore best when you first arrive at the Julian Hospital car park, to park in front of Hammerton Court building, in the ‘drop off’ area. Pick up a permit from Reception and then park elsewhere in the car park

• If you are visiting a loved one ‘out of reception hours’, do bring a mobile phone (if you have one) – just in case the telephone intercom isn’t working

• Don’t be afraid to ask staff questions if you are unclear about anything – don’t ever think you are being a nuisance. The staff want to do as good a job as possible

• Try and build up a relationship with your loved one’s named nurse or named care support worker / assistant practitioner

• Bring in some personal (but not valuable) items that are meaningful to your loved one. This can stimulate communication greatly between you both during visits and also between staff and your loved one

• Seek advice about Attendance Allowance / pension payments etc. when your loved one is admitted. Either ask a member of staff about this, or come along to a Family, Carers and Friends Support Group meeting

• It is also good to read up about (or ask staff about) legal issues such as DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), Power of Attorney and the different Sections of the Mental Health Act that might be applicable to your loved one

• You may also need to think about Advance Decision making regarding your loved one (for example; decisions around resuscitation)

• Make contact with the discharge co-ordinator who can give you guidance about the discharge procedure and about the different funding that might be available should your loved one be discharged to a residential or nursing home

• Do get involved with activities on the ward if you want to or bring in things that you could do with your loved one during a visit (for example, listening to a CD, watching a DVD or painting pictures)

• Do let staff know about the food preferences of your loved one. Many people visiting relatives or friends in hospital may want to bring in food gifts. You are only allowed to bring in certain foods – we have a guidance leaflet on food gifts for service users. You can bring in; biscuits, sweets / chocolate, fruit (please ensure it’s thoroughly washed), non-cream cakes (no dairy products), soft drinks, crisps and snacks. For the full list including disallowed food, please ask staff

• There is a hairdresser on site – please ask staff about opening times

• If you live some distance from Hammerton Court and want to send money to help your loved one to purchase clothes, toiletries etc., there is the option of transferring money by BACS over the phone or online. Please ask staff for more details

• Do talk to other families, carers and friends that you might meet on the ward during your visits. It’s helpful to hear about how other people, who are in the same circumstances as you, are dealing with things


There may be other help and advice you need so here is a useful link to Age UK

Age UK Norwich is dedicated to making later life the best it can be for anyone aged 50+. We have been providing support and services to the older people of Norwich for over 70 years. We provide independent information and advice, helping older people and their families with choices and decision in later life. We can help you with housing, relationships, benefits, pensions, energy bills, managing debts and much more. If you are feeling lonely, we can help you find social activities or arrange for a volunteer, if you need a little extra support in your home. We also provide adult day care and dementia support, offering safe, specialist care, ideal for older people living with dementia and other health conditions. Drop-in at: 60 London Street, Norwich NR2 1JX.

Tel: 01603 496333

Website: www.ageuknorwich.org.uk

Email: enquiries@ageuknorwich.org.uk


Contact us: Hammerton Court, Julian Hospital Bowthorpe Road, Norwich NR2 3TD Reception: Tel: 0300 1234969 9am – 4pm Saturday and Sunday


• Beach Ward: 01603 978320

• Rose Ward: 01603 978315

• Reed Ward: 01603 978310

Visiting times Monday to Sunday: Morning:10am – 12noon Afternoon:2pm – 5pm Evening:6pm – 8pm

*All wards operate protected mealtimes which means that wards are closed to visitors between 12noon to 2pm. Please read section headed “Visiting hours” for further information.

Customer Services

Our Customer Services team provide confidential advice, information and support, helping you to answer any questions you have about our services or about any health matters. If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or a different language, please contact Customer Services and we will do our best to help. Email: Customer.service@nsft.nhs.uk or call Freephone: 0800 279 7257

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust values and celebrates the diversity of all the communities we serve. We are fully committed to ensuring that all people have equality of opportunity to access our service, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership or social and economic status.

Trust Headquarters: Hellesdon Hospital Drayton High Road Norwich NR6 5BE

Telephone: 01603 421421

Twitter: @NSFTtweets

Facebook: NSFTrust

Website: nsft.nhs.uk

© December 2018. NSFT. Leaflet code: 18/173. Review date: November 2021. GFX 6321

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