Perinatal Community Mental Health Team

Central Norfolk, West Norfolk Great Yarmouth and Waveney

Our service

The Perinatal Community Mental Health Team (Perinatal CMHT) is a specialist multi-disciplinary service.

Our team works with women who have previously, are currently or are at risk of experiencing severe mental illness. We provide care and treatment to women during the antenatal and postnatal period, as well as offering a one-off consultation and advice to women who are considering or planning pregnancy and have a history, or are at risk of developing, perinatal mental health difficulties.

As a team, we recognise that the perinatal period (during pregnancy through to one year post birth) is a difficult time, when women and their families experience a lot of additional stressors and challenges. People often describe finding it hard to discuss their experiences and difficulties as they are worried about the potential consequences, so please be reassured the team is here to support you and to help. We aim to provide a compassionate, holistic and evidence-based approach that provides high quality care.

“Although we had lots of help from different health professionals, the perinatal team were really the ones who focused on Grace and I together. They took the time to really get to know the two of us and it was so helpful to know that the support was there through those difficult first weeks when I felt so overwhelmed. I can’t thank them enough for helping to build my confidence and giving me the nudge I needed to get things back on track after my experience.” Quote from a perinatal patient about her care

We will see people at home, in accessible community venues, as well as in maternity hospitals, GP surgeries and children’s centres.

Dads and partners

Often dads and partners are the first people to notice something might not be right. We welcome their involvement in providing care if the woman is happy for this to happen. Information can be given to help them understand what is happening, what to expect and how they may be able to help.

It can also be a very difficult time for themselves and the situation can have an effect on their mood. We encourage dads and partners to let us know if they are having difficulties, so that we can signpost them to the right place to access support for themselves.

Our team

Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of specialist perinatal doctors, nurses, psychologists, a nursery nurse, a social worker, and an occcupational therapist who are all supported by our administration team.

Treatment and interventions

We offer evidence-based treatments, interventions and care that are best designed to suit the needs of the individual we are working with. An initial assessment will help to establish a person’s needs, from which we will begin to formulate a plan. This will involve working alongside other professionals involved in the woman’s care, such as midwives, health visitors, current mental health teams, GPs and social services.

Perinatal friends and family group

When appropriate in a woman’s treatment / recovery there is the opportunity to contribute to shaping and developing the Perinatal Service.

“Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful” Annette Funicello


Referrals can be made by a healthcare professional who knows the woman via the referral form.

Women can self-refer during the perinatal period if they have been open to the team previously.

A duty line is in operation Monday – Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) from 1pm – 5pm. Please call: 01603 786781 and ask for the Perinatal Mental Health Team.


Women who are already receiving support from existing mental health teams will be co-worked during the perinatal period. This means that our service will work in conjunction with the existing teams to help maintain continuity of care and promote a seamless service.

The care-coordination will remain with the existing mental health team.

Further information and support may be found at:

• Royal College of Psychiatrists (

• Action on Postpartum Psychosis (

• Maternal OCD (

• PANDAs (

• Maternal Mental Health Alliance (

• Mind (

• Choices and Medication (

• Baby Buddy (

• Get Me Out The Four Walls (


Women’s experiences:

Perinatal mental health ( Advice and support can also be sought through you GP, Midwife or Health Visitor.


Out of Hours telephone support

Samaritans: available anytime and open every day of the year on: 116 123 (freephone).

SANEline: available 4.30pm to 10.30pm every day of the year on: 0300 304 7000 (local rate).


Contact: Perinatal Community Mental Health Team

Address from January 2019: Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit, Hellesdon Hospital, Drayton High Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 5BE Tel: 01603 786781 

Customer service team

The customer service team provides confidential advice, information and support, helping you to answer any questions you have about our services or about any health matters.

If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or a different language, please contact Customer Services and we will do our best to help. Email: or call Freephone: 0800 279 7257

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust values and celebrates the diversity of all the communities we serve. We are fully committed to ensuring that all people have equality of opportunity to access our service, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership or social and economic status.


Trust Headquarters: Hellesdon Hospital Drayton High Road Norwich NR6 5BE

Telephone: 01603 421421


Twitter: @NSFTtweets

Facebook: NSFTrust

© November 2018. NSFT. Leaflet code: 18/074. Review date: October 2021. GFX: 6050


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