Paul Harrison – Public Governor, Norfolk and Interim Lead Governor

Paul Harrison Term of office started 1 February 2023

I am delighted to be given the opportunity to serve as a Governor in NSFT. I have over 35 years of service in the NHS, starting in mental health services. Here I worked for almost 10 years tackling institutionalised care. This involved seeking to improve outcomes for some of our most vulnerable citizens. It also involved moving care into community settings.

I’ve worked in community, primary care and hospital services at a national and regional level. This is mostly at director level in human resource management and organisation development.

I am particularly interested in:

  • service user and carer involvement
  • staff engagement
  • equality, diversity and inclusion
  • patient safety
  • public accountability.

I will use my knowledge, skills and experience and work with other Governors to help the Trust:

  • deliver its improvement plan
  • provide high-quality care for service users, carers and their families
  • be an open, transparent inclusive organisation where staff are proud to work.
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