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Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit

  • The Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) offers hospital admissions for women and their babies. This is where home treatment is not appropriate. And when mother is experiencing perinatal mental health problems.

  • Service Manager Lead: Mandy Kirby, Clinical Lead Nurse
  • Service Contact: Telephone the ward on 01603 786745.
  • Address:
    Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit,  Hellesdon Hospital,  Drayton High Road, Norwich, NR6 5BE
  • Reception hours: Office hours are Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 until 17:00.
  • Reception phone number: 01603 786745
  • Service hours: This unit is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What this service offers

The MBU provides inpatient care for women with moderate to severe mental health conditions.  This is without separation from their babies. Admissions to this unit can be from 28 weeks pregnant until baby is 1 year of age. 

Our team offers specialist care for women who are experiencing mental health difficulties. Those difficulties relate to pregnancy and the first year of motherhood. 

When admitted to this service women should bring with them bring a supply of things with them. This should include things needed to care for themselves and their baby when away from home. Our team can provide a list if needed. 

We prepare all meals on the Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit. We discuss menu plans with our inpatients. We offer healthy choices for both mothers and weaning babies.  

Following a stay on the unit, patients continue to receive support from the team. This is whilst transitioning back into daily life.  
This includes 28 days of telephone support from ward staff. As well as 3 months of ongoing support from our Mother and Baby Unit Outreach team.  

The outreach team operates between the hours of 9:00 and 17:00, 7 days a week. The team consists of senior clinicians, some of whom patients will have met during their time on the Mother and Baby Unit. They offer routine face to face and telephone appointments. This is to support patients with their transition back into the community. 

Other services related to the Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit include our Community Perinatal Team. This team works in Norfolk and Waveney, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and Suffolk. 

People who use this service may also find the Get Me Out the Four Walls charity helpful. 

Access this service

Admission to the Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit is by referral only. GPs and other health and social service professionals are able to make referrals. 

The referral criteria for professionals to follow is anyone experiencing postpartum psychosis. Or with a previous history of:

  • Diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder, schizo-affective disorder or other psychoses,
  • Moderate or severe antenatal / postnatal depression, 

Anxiety disorders which could include a previous severe depressive episode or postnatal depression. Where this required treatment in hospital / secondary care, 

  • Women in the antenatal period over 28 weeks gestation. 

A referral form and exclusion criteria is available at We discuss referrals by telephone on 01603 786 745. 

The Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit prioritises referrals according to clinical need. In some instances, the team can consider urgent admissions. This is if information provided by the referrer suggests that it is appropriate. In other cases, the team may need further information or a specialist assessment before admission. 

Visiting and onsite facilities

View a tour of the unit here.

The Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit provides free parking on site. This is available opposite the unit entrance. 

When visiting the unit in office hours people should report to the ward reception. If out of office hours people should use the available intercom to contact the unit’s office. 

Visiting hours for family members and friends are between 15:00 and 20:00 daily. Partners or nearest relatives can visit the unit between 10:00 and 20:30.  

Prearrangement with staff on the unit is necessary. These visits can allow for support with baby care and bonding. 

The unit limits visits to no more than 2 people and last no longer than 2 hours. Please discuss visiting outside of these hours with unit staff. They will also need to know if younger children are visiting. 

How this service support carers including friends and family

The MBU provides carers assessments, family support and couples’ sessions when appropriate. The unit also encourages family involvement with care delivery.  

Urgent help

If you are a service user and are in crisis and need support urgently you can contact your service on 01603 786 745.  

Call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line.

If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives. 

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police. 

For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111.  

For more information, see Help in a Crisis​

Websites and resources you may find useful

NHS 'Mum & Baby' app

​New app designed to provide information to pregnant women, their partners and family. Available to download on Apple and Android phones.

Welcome Leaflet

 Welcome to the MBU Outreach Service leaflet [pdf] 739KB

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