Melinda Bird - Staff Governor

Melinda Bird - Staff GovernorTerm of office started 1 February 2024 

I have been at NSFT for five years, first working in Children, Families and Young People's services. I then moved to Perinatal Services. I am Service Manager for Mental Health Practitioners in the Great Yarmouth and Waveney Primary Care Networks.

I am a general nurse, midwife and health visitor by background. But I have also done mental health training at postgraduate level. I worked as a Specialist Midwife for Young Women with Complex Needs for four years in Great Yarmouth and Waveney. This fired my love of mental health. It is a privilege working with staff and service users in our mental health services.

I am keen to improve the experience of care and support for everyone. NSFT's improvement journey must prioritise high-quality, compassionate and trauma-informed care for all. 

I will support our staff to deliver safe and effective care by being a listening ear. I know how committed our staff are to making sure that services deliver safe and effective care. So, I hope that staff will feel able to approach me when they need support and care for themselves. 

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