Jarin Alam, Research Assistant Psychologist

Image of Jarin AlamI am currently working on the DiSCOVERY study. This study is looking to understand post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia in the context of the Recovery College model.

I am passionate about exploring how healthcare services can improve the Quality of life and reduce health disparities. I have a keen interest in Older people's health and wellbeing, as the individuals I have had the privilege of supporting, drive my motivation to work and contribute towards better care and high quality of life.

Research is a facet within healthcare which allows me to continue to work within an area I am truly passionate about, building towards positive change in the lives of service users and their families. I am in such an amazing position to be able to co-produce research, whilst also developing key skills by learning from experts within this study team.

There are so many benefits to participating in mental health research, such as raising awareness to issues and improving access to services, all leading to positive health outcomes. By service users and staff participating in research it allows their voices to meaningfully shape the NHS to the communities it provides services for.

Outside of work, I enjoy walks, roller-skating and attempting to grow different species of orchids.

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