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Men's Secure Service (Catton Ward)
Catton Ward is a medium-secure ward providing admission/assessment and rehabilitation. We admit male individuals who are suffering from a mental illness who require a period of assessment. The service admits from a number of sources including prisons and other Medium Secure Units.
- Service Manager Lead: Andy Harris and Howard Muzire (Matrons)
- Service Contact: 01603 707500 Ward: 01603 707573
Catton Ward, Northside House, Northside, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HT

- What this service offers
- Access this service
- How this service support carers including friends and family
- Visiting and onsite facilities
- Urgent help
What this service offers
Following on from a period of assessment, if deemed appropriate and necessary, the team provides a clear treatment pathway and rehabilitation.
Conditions we treat in this service:
Bi-polar disorder
Depression and anxiety along with challenging behaviour
Access this service
Someone can be referred to the service from a variety of sources including high secure hospitals, other medium or low secure units, prison settings, courts and the community.
When referred to this service, the team assesses the person for admission suitability. If they meet the admission criteria they are admitted and undergo a period of assessment from a multidisciplinary team.
The purpose of this assessment is to establish a diagnosis and to determine best course of treatment. Following this, treatment and rehabilitation begin with the aim of securing successful discharge from the service.
How this service support carers including friends and family
We encourage engagement with our carers and are in regular contact to update on progress and share information. We also hold regular open days for families.
We offer an information pack for family and carers if required. If you request it, it is possible for your family and friends to attend Care Programme Approach meetings.
Visiting and onsite facilities
Prior to the first visit, the service user will discuss with the ward team who they would like to be included on their visitor list. These identified people are then contacted by the ward to discuss if they wish to visit and to verify their identities.
Visitors on the list need to be authorised by the service user’s Responsible Clinician and a visitor pack sent. This will include a list of items which cannot be brought onto the secure side of the unit.
Visits would usually take place in the evening or at weekends. Exceptions are made for family who have to travel long distances, or who are attending a professional meeting - this is judged on a patient by patient basis.
There is ample parking for visitors.
On arrival, visitors need to present photo ID at reception.
Visits take place off ward (in Family Room or Meeting Room), with a staff member present. There is no limit to number of visitors. Visits usually last one hour.
Urgent help
People already being treated by our service should call 01603 421239
If there is an emergency and people are in immediate danger, call 999 for an ambulance.
If you are not a service user but require urgent support, contact your GP or call:
Samaritans: 116 123
NHS 111 (NHS support for non-life threatening situations): 111
For more information, see Help in a Crisis.