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Avocet Ward
Avocet Ward is an inpatient ward based at Woodlands on the Ipswich Hospital site in East Suffolk. Avocet Ward provides care for women of all ages who meet our admission criteria. Avocet Ward offers care to women whose mental health is at its most acute. As a result, these women are unable to receive appropriate care in the community.
- Service Manager Lead: Matron - Benn Green and Clinical Team Leader - Alice Watts
Avocet Ward, Woodlands, Ipswich Hospital Site, Ipswich, IP4 5PD
- Reception phone number: Telephone the ward on 01473 891740 or via reception on 01473 891700.
- Service hours: This ward is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- What this service offers
- Access this service
- Visiting and onsite facilities
- How this service support carers including friends and family
- Urgent help
Avocet Ward offers intensive treatment and support. This treatment and support is not available in community settings. Our inpatients can receive the following treatments:
- Medication (including access to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians),
- Psychology,
- Complimentary therapy,
- Occupational therapy,
- Art therapy,
- Brief talking therapies,
- Physical health screening and assessment.
Avocet Ward staff work with inpatients and their carers towards recovery and discharge from the date of admission to the ward.
Avocet Ward Information for Service Users leaflet - accessible (html)
GPs admit people to Avocet ward via our Access and Assessment Team. Or, you may have a Care Co-ordinator or community consultant who feels you need to come into hospital.
Avocet ward has full disabled access and toilet facilities for the disabled.
Drinks and snacks are available on Avocet Ward. A wider selection is available in the main Ipswich Hospital building.
Parking is available on site, charges apply.
Assessment of Carers needs is part of an inpatient’s care plan with carers invited to case reviews on the ward.
Our team on Avocet Ward have links with Suffolk Family Carers, who provide appointments on site. They also have close links with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
Upon admission to the ward our team send information to inpatient's carers. We also provide information packs which are available on the ward.
Avocet Ward have a staff member who supports carers. The Ward Manager and Matron are also available by appointment.
If you are being treated by our service, and need urgent help telephone the Access and Assessment Team on 0300 123 1334.
Call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line.
If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives.
If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police.
For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111.
For more information, see Help in a Crisis.