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Adult Community Mental Health Recovery Service

  • Our Adult Community Mental Health Recovery Service provides a recovery-focused community mental health service. The service has a team in Lowestoft that supports residents with complex mental health needs in Waveney. There is also a base in Great Yarmouth to support those living in the Great Yarmouth area. 

  • Service Delivery Office: Waveney Recovery Team: Victoria House, Alexandra Road, Lowestoft; Eastern Recovery Team: Resource Centre, Northgate Hospital, Great Yarmouth
  • Service Manager Lead: James Farebrother
  • Service Contact: Telephone the Waveney Recovery Team on 01502 532100; Telephone the Eastern Recovery Team on 01493 337648
  • Address:
    Victoria House,  Alexandra Road, Lowestoft, NR32 1PH
  • Service hours: This service is available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.

What this service offers

This Adult Community Mental Health Recovery Service provides assessment and treatment for those with complex mental health issues who are over 25 years of age. 

With co-production at the heart of the service, people who use this service have opportunities which include access to our Recovery College, day services, peer worker support. We also offer help for families and access to other partner agencies.   

In Waveney, where the section 75 agreement with Suffolk County Council is in place, this also includes consideration of social care needs as part of each needs-led assessment.   

On the day of receipt of a referral, one of our senior clinicians will call the referred person to discuss the issues raised by the referrer.  

The caller will be one of our senior team members. This assessment may result in our needing to see the referred individual in person to continue our understanding of their needs. At this point, a doctor or psychologist may also be present to ensure treatment options are fully explored from the beginning.  

This assessment forms the basis of a recovery plan which our service will develop or co-produce and agree with the service user. It could be that they will need to be taken on by our service to enable them to develop their skills or understanding through our various resources. This will assist them in how to better manage their problems independently, or by a more appropriate source that is available.  

Once accepted into our service, any interventions are time limited, as we want to ensure we are enabling people who use our service in a recovery-focused manner.   

Our service carries out regular reviews in order to ensure all opportunities to work with our service users on achieving their goals are explored.  

Access this service

The Adult Community Mental Health Recovery Service is accessed by referral only. Usually people are referred by their GP. But other health, social care or statutory providers can also refer to this service.   

The service will inform those referred and their referrer of the outcome as any ongoing treatment recommended will need to be supported by them. 

Visiting and onsite facilities

Our Waveney site at Alexandra Road in Lowestoft is a 10-minute walk from the bus and railway station. There are no parking facilities on site but there are a number of pay and display car parks nearby.  

Our Eastern Recovery Team are based at the Northgate Hospital in Great Yarmouth where there is free parking available. This site has a bus stop immediately outside of it.  

How this service support carers including friends and family

Family, partners and friends can be important supporters for us all. As a service, we offer opportunities to look after the significant supporter in our lives through access to all our Recovery College courses, and other available courses that aim to help increase understanding.  

Within Waveney, as part of the section 75 agreement with Suffolk County Council, people who use our service will have access to a carer’s assessment via our dedicated carer assessors.   

In Great Yarmouth, as our colleagues in Norfolk County Council are co-located with the team, we can ensure needs are identified to them quickly.   

Both teams are keen to hear what support family and friends need to help service users to achieve the outcomes the want.   

We are lucky to have proactive service user and carer forums who are keen to welcome people. Everyone is invited to support the good development of service delivery via our service user and carer hub.  

Urgent help

If you are a service user and are in crisis and need support urgently you can contact your service on the number which will have been provided.  

Call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line.

If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives. 

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police. 

For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111.  

For more information, see Help in a Crisis

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