Trust hosted events

Use the calendar below to view details of events we are hosting.

Norfolk Sharing and Learning Event - 18 July 2024

  • Type Mental health engagement event
  • Venue Virtual
  • Start 18 Jul 2024 10:00
  • End 18 Jul 2024 12:00


The Sharing & Learning Events are held online each month via Microsoft Teams to provide an opportunity for NSFT, the Voluntary Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector and other services supporting mental health to share and learn about each other - what they do, the services and support they provide, and how to make referrals and connect with them. They are also open to anyone who is involved in supporting mental health services including Patient Participation Group (PPG) Chairs within GP practices across Norfolk and Suffolk.

The events alternate between Suffolk and Norfolk, and everyone is welcome to come to either or both. There is normally a presentation by one of the NSFT teams followed by three from other organisations, plus time to share news, funding and event information. An agenda is sent out before each event so people are welcome to dip in to suit their availability.  

If you are interested in joining the invitation list or presenting at one of the events, please contact

Meet at…

This meeting is held online. 

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