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Dementia Intensive Support Team (DIST) – West Suffolk

  • The team responds urgently and works intensively for short periods with people who have dementia and their carers, where situations are breaking down within their home environment or wherever they live, and there are significant risks to either themselves or others due to behavioural and psychological symptoms of their Dementia. The team has a role in preventing unnecessary admissions to hospital in these circumstances and premature moves into long term care. Their aim is to stabilise situations to enable people to continue living in their own homes and maintain as much independence as possible. The team also aims to support carers to be more confident in their caring role alongside this.

  • Service Manager Lead: Helen Gray
  • Address:
    G Block Hospital Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3NR
  • Reception phone number: 01284 733260 or email
  • Service hours: 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday

What this service offers

Intensive support/engagement, treatment, guidance, education, signposting/onward referral to other relevant agencies

Access this service

The team has an open referral system where anyone can refer in direct to the team via phone or email.

Visiting and onsite facilities

The team is community based and sees people within their home environments.

How this service support carers including friends and family

Carers are an integral part of the work that we do and are included as appropriate in the support and treatment that we offer.

We also offer education and guidance to carers and signpost/refer to services to support them in their role.

Urgent help

For service users/carers already open to the team please make contact using the usual contact details within the hours of the service.

Out of hours for the team Call the NHS 111 service and choose the mental health option for urgent help/support.

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police.

For non-life threatening medical/physical health situations, call the NHS 111 service and select the 'mental health option'.

For more information, see Help in a Crisis.

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