Trust marks World Mental Health Day with annual general meeting | News and events

Trust marks World Mental Health Day with annual general meeting

Chief Executive Officer Caroline Donovan during her AGM presentation

Members of the board and non-executive directors joined governors, staff and members of the public for the annual general meeting and annual members’ meeting of Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust on World Mental Health Day, 10 October

Before the meeting, visitors were able to chat to NSFT teams who had set up stands showcasing their work, including carers leads, participation, veterans, membership, early intervention in psychosis and research, plus information on the Green Minds Therapy Garden at Wedgwood House in Bury St Edmunds.

Trust chair Zoë Billingham welcomed the audience to The Carnegie in Thetford, saying it felt appropriate that the AGM was being held on World Mental Health Day as a time to reflect on the importance of talking about mental health.

“We are only going to be successful as a leadership team by talking to our service users, families, governors and staff. Together we can continue to drive improvement,” she said.

Chief Executive Officer Caroline Donovan told the audience that “we want to be kind in every intervention we have”.

And although progress was being made, she said it was important to maintain humility and recognise there was still work to be done and that the trust was getting the right structure in place for the future.

Members of the board gave reports on the year and chair of governors Rebecca Toye talked about how she and her colleagues were connecting with the trust membership through attendance at events, site visits and drop ins.

“We are the critical friends to the trust, ensuring the service user and carer voice informs what the trust does,” she said. 

The event ended with a question and answer session.

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