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NSFT invites carers to events this Carers Week | News and events

NSFT invites carers to events this Carers Week

Staff from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) are hosting dedicated events for all carers this national Carers Week, offering advice, support and entertainment.

Teams from NSFT, which provides specialist mental health services across the two counties and works closely with the carers of service users, will be at the four events listed below to promote the incredible work of carers. The Trust is encouraging anyone who has any type of caring responsibility to attend.

Norwich Carers Information Day, the Forum - Monday 5 June, 9am - 3pm

This annual event is jointly hosted by NSFT and Care for Carers and usually attracts up to 1,500 visitors and features lots of different information stands as well as  entertainment.

Its purpose is to help support current and former carers, older people, and people who are lonely or vulnerable.

Suffolk Sharing Ways of Caring, Buttermarket, Ipswich - Tuesday 6 June, 10am - 4pm

Organised by NSFT in partnership with Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Family Carers, this event is the first of its kind in Suffolk and will include wellbeing information, free therapy taster sessions, entertainment, art workshops and refreshments.

The drop in event is open to all.

The Hut, Felixstowe - Friday 9 June, from 10am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm

Both these sessions are for people over 55 and include art taster sessions, information and support, plus refreshments. There is limited space, so book a session via  Carers Week 2023 - Suffolk Family Carers (suffolkfamilyandcommunity.org)

NSFT’s Carers Lead, Julie Williams, said: “Good-quality support is really important for those people providing unpaid care for family and friends.

“We recognise how difficult and challenging caring for another person can be and it can come at a cost to a carer’s own health and resilience.

“However, with the right support, carers can feel valued and supported. We hope by holding these events across Suffolk and Norfolk we can highlight the support available for carers and provide information about the support services that are available.”

For more information or queries about any of the events, email CarersQAService@nsft.nhs.uk

The national theme of this year's Carers Week is 'recognising and supporting carers in the community'.

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