Independent mortality data report – listening service set up
The report from an independent review into how data relating to deaths is processed and reported at NSFT was published in late June. The review, called Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust’s Mortality Recording and Reporting, was commissioned by NHS Norfolk and Waveney, and NHS Suffolk and North East Essex integrated care boards at NSFT’s request.
Our response to the review’s findings is available on our website, including the steps we are taking to make improvements. We will also be discussing the actions we are taking at our next Trust Board meeting, held in public, on 27 July at 12.30pm.
A confidential, independent listening service has also been set up, with counsellors available to provide support and listen to anyone affected by the report’s publication (please note they will be unable to answer specific questions about the report or individual cases).
The number is: 01423 856 799 (seven days a week, from 8am – 8pm).