Mayfly Ward


Central Norfolk Acute Service

Welcome to Waveney Ward

Waveney Ward Grebe House Hellesdon Hospital Drayton High Road Norwich NR6 5BE Team Office: 01603 421650 Patient Phone: 01603 421659

The Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHT) telephone numbers can be used if a service user or carer is in crisis: Tel: ........ 01603 421239 Mobile: .. 07769 687775

Waveney Ward contacts

Dr Fadlalla - Consultant Psychiatrist

Liz Howlett - Clinical Nurse Lead

Beth Oughton - Modern Matron

Emily Kingsmill-Brown - Clinical Team Leader

Amy Abbott – Clinical nurse specialist.

Lucy Lincoln - Carers Lead for the ward.

Visiting times

Monday to Friday 2 – 5pm and 6 - 9pm

Saturday and Sunday 9am - 9pm excluding mealtimes

Please speak with a member of staff if you need to arrange an alternative time to visit. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted on the ward, however, there is a family room available which can be booked in advance. The staff cannot take any responsibility for children that visit the hospital.

There is free car parking available on site.

Public transport

By Bus (First Group) a regular bus service runs from just outside the main hospital entrance. We would advise checking with service providers prior to planning your journey.

Our aims and philosophy

Waveney is a 20 bed treatment ward for females suffering with acute mental health problems. The ward team consists of doctors, nurses, care support workers, occupational therapy staff, physical wellbeing nurses, a clinical psychologist and nurse therapists. Glaven ward is part of the Central Norfolk Acute Service which includes inpatient wards and the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHT).

The aims of the acute services are:

  • To provide a supportive service that is accessible, flexible and responsive.
  • To work in partnership with individuals recognising their strengths and abilities to assist them in achieving their goals.
  • To be non-judgemental and non-prejudicial showing respect for diversity including cultural and spiritual needs.
  • To be adaptive and progressive and to enable individuals to recover in their own home where this is appropriate.
  • To work as an integrated team assisting individuals to achieve their goals using evidence based practice, which is delivered by the multi-disciplinary team.

What you can expect from us

The aim of everyone who is working within the service is to provide a high standard of care. On admission, a registered member of staff will be allocated to your relative or friend as their Named Nurse. Staff do not wear uniforms but they can be identified by their identity badges and the staff photo board.

What is expected of visitors

  • To respect the privacy and dignity of service users.
  • Smoking is not permitted on the ward or in the hospital grounds.
  • Verbal abuse, aggression or damage to property is not acceptable at any time.
  • To report to the nursing staff on arrival and departure from the ward.
  • Visitors must remain in the communal areas of the ward and must not enter into patient bedroom areas.

Support groups

The Family and Friends Support Group is held in The Activities Room, Harnser House, Hellesdon Hospital, every Wednesday from 7pm to 8.30pm. The group offers support and information in a friendly, safe and confidential setting. No booking required. Information on other groups can be obtained by contacting Norfolk Carers.

Family/Carers Drop-in clinic

We encourage you to be an active part of your relatives care and welcome feedback. The clinic is an opportunity for you to ask questions, share any concerns you may have and to access information and support available to you. Drop In every Sunday 9 – 3pm Appointments are also available on request.


Carers can be assured that any information they give us is treated as confidential. Under the Data Protection Act (1998) you give permission regarding the information that can be shared and who with. However, a risk of harm to self or others may override this.

Your relative/friend also has the right to choose who information can be shared with.

Our aim is to keep you informed about your relative or friend’s care throughout their stay. Staff are available to discuss any aspect of care at any reasonable time, subject to the agreement of the service user. Even if they are not in agreement we can listen, offer you support, information and signposting.

Carer's Assessment

If you regularly look after someone you may feel that you need extra support and may benefit from a Carers Assessment by Social Services. The purpose of a Carer’s Assessment is to discuss with you the different ways caring affects your life, including what’s working, or not, and consider how you can carry on doing the things that are important to you, the person you care for and your family.

To arrange a Carer’s Assessment, contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020

Compliments, suggestions and complaints

If you wish to pass on a compliment, make a suggestion or wish to complain about any aspect of your friend/relative’s care, you can either discuss this with the Person in Charge of the shift or use the ‘Help us to help you’ leaflet available on the ward or from the Customer Services office

Useful Contacts


“Psychiatric conditions will need to be reported to the DVLA if causing or felt likely to cause symptoms affecting safe driving. These would include for example any impairment of consciousness or awareness, any increased liability to distraction or symptoms affecting the safe operation of vehicle controls. The patient should be advised to declare both the condition and symptoms of concern”

“When a patient has a condition which makes driving unsafe and the patient is either unable to appreciate this, or refuses to cease driving, GMC guidelines advise breaking confidentiality and informing DVLA.” [GMC Confidentiality Handbook]

Patients detained in hospital and on Section 17 leave should not drive.

Before resuming driving, drivers must be able to satisfy the standards of fitness for their respective conditions and be free from any effects of medication, which will affect driving adversely.

Amended 08/17 TC

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