Corinna Hackmann, Clinical Psychologist/Adult Services Research Development Lead

Corinna Hackmann The research we develop is clinically applied and has co-production at its heart. Meaningful research development should encompass a multitude of perspectives and empower everybody. This has included work on diagnosis, peer support, autistic spectrum disorders, eating disorders and discharge from inpatient settings. We have worked in collaboration with the World Health Organisation on a paper published in the Lancet Psychiatry on the need to include service-user perspectives in diagnostic guidelines.

I am also interested in co-creativity, the arts and language. We are currently working on a project to explore the impact of the language on people who have experienced mental health issues.


Zeilig H, Gee B, Teague B, Wilson, J, Hackmann, C. Foregrounding the perspectives of mental health services users during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental Health and Social Inclusion Journal. 2020 Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 131-133.

Hackmann C, Balhara Y, Clayman K, Nemec P, Notley C, Pike K, et al. Perspectives on ICD-11 to understand and improve mental health diagnosis using expertise by experience (INCLUDE Study): an international qualitative study. Lancet Psychiatry 2019;6(9):778-85.

Wetzler H, Hackmann C, Peryer G, Clayman K,  Friedman D, Saffran K,  Silver J,  Swarbrick M, Magill E, van Furth EF, Kathleen M. Pike. A framework to conceptualize personal recovery from eating disorders: A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis of perspectives from individuals with lived experience, International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2020 doi:1002/eat.23260

Hackmann C, Wilson J, Perkins A, Zeilig H. Collaborative diagnosis between clinician and patient: why to do it and what to consider. British Journal of Psychiatry Advances 2019;25(4)

Hackmann C, Green A, Notley C, Perkins, A, Reed, G, M, Ridler, J, Wilson, J, & Shakespeare. Protocol for a qualitative study exploring perspectives on the INternational CLassification of Diseases (11th revision); Using lived experience to improve mental health Diagnosis in NHS England: INCLUDE study. British Medical Journal Open 2017, 7:e018399.doi:10.1136

Perkins A, Ridler J, Browes D… Hackmann C. Experiencing mental health diagnosis: a systematic review of patient, clinician, and carer perspectives across clinical settings. Lancet Psychiatry, 5 (suppl 9):

I teach the medical students and on the clinical psychology doctorate at UEA. This has included teaching on mental health diagnosis, using imagery in therapy and working with complex and challenging clinical cases.

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