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CATAT (CAMHs Alternative to Admissions Team)

  • This service provides intensive support within the community to Children and Young people (under 18s) within all of Norfolk and Suffolk. The team have the aim to support Children and Young People (CYP) under the age of 18. The aim of this new pilot team and the wider system is to prevent CYP from having inpatient admissions, and to support Service Users and their families in the community, within Norfolk and Suffolk. The team will serve as a gateway in and out of Tier 4 (T4) provision, so CYP will be able to access T4 provision / support without the need for admission. This is a significant change in both the clinical offer and culture. CATAT are trialling a intensive home treatment/post discharge support as evidence shows that children and young people in the first 5-7 days post discharge may be more likely to re-engage in risk behaviours, which can potentially result in a re-admission or attendance at an acute hospital. With this in mind CATAT are looking at it as a preventative rather than a reactive intervention to enable admission avoidance. Using the Ambit & Thrive model, this adds to the total offer and supports stabilisation of the system, around the child.

  • Base: Herbert Matthes Building, Northgate Hospital, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1BU
  • Service Manager Lead: Clinical Team Lead - Chelsea Gamble Service Lead - Karen Ezobi
  • Reception phone number: 01493 337849/337850
  • Service hours: 7 days a week including bank holidays 08:00 - 20:00

Access this service

Referral through the provider collaborative via a form 1 (bed request) or by having a consultation directly with one of the clinicians in the CATAT team.  

Visiting and onsite facilities

We don’t have CYP visit our office base. We go to the CYP wherever they are within the services catchment area.

What this service offers

The team will work alongside the community core team and other services such as social care. The team provide additional support to ensure service users have more of a support network around them.

The amount of visits/support is based on clinical need/risk. The team can take the CYP out in the community to access things they like to do, activities they feel would help their recovery or tackle difficulties such as social anxiety. The interventions the team carry out with the CYP will depend on clinical need, what is being done from their core team, but the care is based around the AMBIT AND Thrive model.

The team help with professional networking and help identify needs and what is missing or lacking in a CYP care. The team support and reduce professional anxieties.

How this service support carers including friends and family

The team include family/carers within interventions when appropriate, as they are the ones that have the parental responsibility for the CYP. They will be the ones that are with them the most in the community. The team like to help reduce their anxieties, as well as,help teach them ways to best support their CYP and be aware of risk/s and risk management.

Urgent help

If you are a service user and are in crisis and need support urgently you can contact your service on the number which will have been provided. 

Call 0808 196 3494 to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line called First Response.

If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives.

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police.

For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111. 

For more information, see Help in a Crisis.

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