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Veterans Integrated Service

  • Veterans Integrated Service is a Trust-wide enhanced support service for veterans and their affected others, ensuring holistic support, delivered by staff who are specifically trained or who are veterans themselves.

  • Service Manager Lead: Vicki Bailey
  • Service Contact:
  • Address:
    Norfolk and Suffolk wide,
  • Reception hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Service hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.

What this service offers

The service does not have a caseload but is designed to offer wraparound care in collaboration with other NSFT services, Op Courage and specialist agencies.

Any Veteran who is already receiving care from another of our services can be referred to the Veterans Integrated Service by Wellbeing services or secondary care.

The local community mental health team must remain engaged with veterans who have complex needs or are in crisis.

This service provides:

  • A veteran specific assessment of need,
  • Co-produced care plan
  • Access to the veterans stabilisation group 16 week programme,
  • Drug and alcohol support,
  • Welfare support,
  • Family andcarers support.

A number of veteran drop in support groups are also available to access.

Staff can provide consultation support to NSFT teams when required. This may include attending assessments to give a military perspective, advice or to support teams who may have veterans on their caseloads by recommending relevant services outside of NSFT. They can also offer veteran-specific training to teams.

The service provides support, not just for those that have served, but the wider community including carers and families.

Referral to other services/agencies

VIS will support the referrals to veteran specific services as required as part of the veterans care plan.


There will be no discharge from VIS as they will remain under the care of the CMHT.

Access this service

This service is open to veterans who are already under our care. If you are receiving our services and would like to be referred to this service you should speak to your care co-ordinator.

Referral procedures

  • Non Urgent referrals, we are not a crisis service but offer a wraparound support service to those under the care of a CMHT.

Inclusion criteria

  • Served within the British Armed Forces ONLY.
  • To be able to provide Service number for confirmation.
  • MUST be under the care of a NSFT team and have a named lead care professional who would be able to hold their care. To be accountable for the veterans risk is managed appropriately.

Exclusion criteria

  • Those who are in crisis/urgent cases.
  • Those who do not have a care co-ordinator.
  • No self referral.

How this service support carers including friends and family

An 'affected others' worker is employed by the Outside the Wire charity as part of our service to support families and carers.

Families and carers can also be signposted to external support services such as Warrior for Wives and Partners, Ripple Pond and Help for Heroes.

Urgent help

If you are a service user and are in crisis and need support urgently you can contact your service on the number which will have been provided. 

Call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to our 24 hour mental health crisis line.

If you are with someone who has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives.

If anyone is at serious risk of harm, call 999 and ask for the police.

For non-life threatening medical situations, call NHS111 on 111. 

For more information, see Help in a Crisis.

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