Working Together For Better Mental Health Award - finalist 2022

Working together has the potential to improve quality, resulting in truly joined up, service user-centred care. This award will recognise the team that has demonstrated a commitment to collaboration and has delivered real improvements to the health and wellbeing of our service users.


Photo of CAIST team - award winners

CAIST (Children and Young People’s Crisis Assessment and Intensive Support Team) offers intensive support to anyone aged up to 18 who has self-harmed, or is at risk of doing so, and has arrived at a hospital emergency department. Their express aim is to keep them safe and out of a psychiatric inpatient bed wherever possible – and to receive effective care within the community, seven days a week.

The team has continued to provide safe, high-quality care, along with specialist mental health advice to acute hospital colleagues who are looking after young people before they are transferred to an inpatient unit.

In addition to their tireless work during the pandemic, the team commenced the RUSH pilot project – a one year NHSEI funded initiative. The project was designed to address the rising number of young people presenting at hospital with self-harm and with elevated risk of suicide.

Due to its success, this is now being developed as part of the Integrated Care System (ICS) offer for children and young people.


Working Together For Better Mental Health Award - highly commended


Highly commended

Mental Health Support
Team (MHST)
CFYP Suffolk

Older People’s Team
Bury South, West Suffolk

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