Trust hosted events

Use the calendar below to view details of events we are hosting.

Council of Governors - 12 February 2024

  • Type Council of Governors event
  • Start 12 Feb 2024 15:00
  • End 12 Feb 2024 16:30
  • Email


Council of Governor meetings are being held remotely via MS Teams.

Members of the public can attend virtually. We politely request that members of the public turn their camera and microphone off to allow for the Council members and those presenting papers to be visible during the meeting. Please read the House rules for meetings of Board and Council of Governors

If you have accessible information needs that may affect your viewing of the Council meeting online, please email to discuss.

We welcome any questions which directly relate to agenda items. You can submit questions in advance which means we have the best chance of providing fuller answers on the day. Please email your questions to

Meeting papers: 

Meet at…

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