Stephen Benns - Public Governor, Norfolk

Stephen Benns - Public Governor, NorfolkTerm of office started 1 February 2024 

I retired in 2010 after a 35-year career in the NHS as a psychiatric nurse. In the last seven years, I managed inpatient services at the Julian Hospital in Norwich. I have the knowledge and experience to be a well-informed advocate for improved mental health services in Norfolk.

I was a Governor before, but due to increased carer obligations had to resign. I want the Trust to hear the voice of vulnerable older people and their carers when planning services and mental health strategies.

As Governor, I will represent the people of Norfolk. I will challenge the status quo when necessary. I will hold the Trust Board Non-Executives to account. Importantly, I will support service users and staff through times of challenge and change.  I know how the NHS works, in terms of budgeting, clinical audit, contracting, etc. This will enable me to make informed decisions.

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