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Zoë Billingham, NSFT Chair
New Governors elected to help trust deliver safer, kinder, better care

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) will welcome 10 new Governors to support the organisation’s ongoing improvement work across its services....

Gary O Hre meeting HRH the Prince of Wales to receive his award
MBE honour for Gary O'Hare

Gary O’Hare, NSFT’s Board Level Governance and Safety Advisor, has been made an MBE for his services to mental health and learning disabilities in the NHS....

All the award winners and finalist lined up
Dedication, innovation and achievements recognised at staff awards

Staff at the region’s mental health trust were honoured for their dedication, innovation and achievements at their annual awards celebration....

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Young people share their mental health experiences to develop hospital app

Young people in Norfolk and Suffolk have been helping to develop an app which supports them with mental health appointments....

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Improving Together – CEO Caroline Donovan’s Blog – 9 December 2024

Hi everyone, I want to begin my blog this week with a personal thank you to Gemma, one of our service users who shared her experience at our Board meeting in public on 28 November. It was such a brav...

Jenny Walker receving her award
Mental health nurses honoured with Queens' Nurse title

  Two mental health nurses have been honoured for their work by being awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse. Sarah Sanders and Jenny Walker, from Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, re...

Heather Edwards playing piano
How music is keeping positive memories alive for people living with dementia

The benefits of music for wellbeing, particularly for people living with dementia, has been a big thread through older people’s services at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). A new...

NSFT first for menopause accreditation

NSFT has become the first mental health NHS trust in the UK to be awarded the Menopause Friendly Workplace accreditation....

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Young people talk about how they are helping to improve mental health services

And young people who have been involved in participation have talked about their experiences on a new podcast out this week in NSFT’s Mental Health and You series.  ...

Staff at the Listening into Action event
Inspiring staff event showcases Listening into Action improvements

NSFT teams took to the stage to showcase a variety of 20-week projects at its first Listening into Action (LiA) Pass It On event....